Song Preference!

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"She Looks So Perfect" by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Dean -
She looks so perfect standing there, in my American Apparel underwear

He believes you're perfect no matter what. And, even better, when you're wearing his clothes, he just has to have you, right then and there.

Sam -
Let's get out, let's get out
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down

Scarred from childhood experiences, he just wants to escape. So, you two get out of the deadbeat town to somewhere better, where you can be yourselves and be happy.

Castiel -
And I know now, that I'm so down

It took some time away to realize that he just wasn't happy without you. You're truly what lifts his spirits. Without you, he was glummer than a suicidal bumblebee.

Adam -
But look around, we word too damn hard for this just to give it up now

He works his freaking but off. You know this. Sometimes, he just wants to give up and just go crawl in a hole (mentally, of course). But you keep him strong and remind him that, after everything, he cant give up now.

Gabriel -
Your lipstick stain in a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart

You always leave little lipstick stains on his cheek when you kiss him, which he loves. It reminds him that you're still there and that you love him as well. Now, he would get a temporary tattoo of your name with an arrow heart, cuz he's just like that.

Samandriel -
If you don't swim, you'll drown. But don't move, honey

He knows you'll someday have to move on because angels aren't really supposed to be with humans because bad stuff could happen. But right now, he wants to live in the moment and be with you and cherish you. *cries*

Lucifer -
Would you wanna run away too? Cuz all I really want is YOU!

He is constantly asking himself if you'd leave everything behind just to be with him. He worries you'll say no, but all he wants is for you to say yes and be his forever.

Gadreel/Ezekiel -
While I was out, I found myself at home just thinking
'If I showed up with a plane ticket, and I shiny diamond ring with your name on it'

He desires with all his heart to be bonded with you for life (marriage). He's always wondering what would happen if he did ask. What would he do? What would he say? He just wants to be with you.

Kevin Tran -
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else

People are always telling him that he's too young or too inexperienced. He hates that, so you hate it too.



So how many of YOU guys like 5sos?

Haizley hates them with all her guts, which ticks me off. But, oh well. Hay can ya do?

I LOVE them.

Omg, you should comment your favorite member!

I love Michael. But, then again, I love them all.

They're just so cute! Like penguins!

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