• Lucifer Imagine •

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A/N: This was requested by EmotionalCellist.

Character: Lucifer

Plot: Y/N is a musician who is abused by her manager but won't let Lucifer do anything about it because she's convinced that she deserves the abuse.


You pick up the [insert instrument], attempting to retry the piece you were working on. Tonight was the last night you had to work on it before your manager came to... collect.

You shivered at the thought of your manager. He was a cruel man who only wanted money, and he was willing to break bone to do so. But you thought he was only doing it for his dead wife (which you didn't knew he had made up so you'd feel bad for him). So you took the sometimes backbreaking work, thinking it was for the best.

You fumbled with the string/keys/buttons/etc. of the [insert instrument], adjusting the tune or whatever one last time before beginning a slow song.

It was a nice song, with a nice rhythm. It sounded sad, yet tranquil. Like it was telling a sad story as you played. You quite enjoyed it.

When you finished it, you heard a loud clap from behind you. You turned your whole body around to face the person.

You sighed when you realized it was just your awesome boyfriend, Lucifer.

"Hey, Y/N," he said softly, as if loud volume would disturb your peace with the music. "Hey," you greeted with a weak smile. You had been up all month, trying to fit this new piece together. It had taken effect on you physically, and Lucifer had noticed. "You should get some sleep," he said, gesturing to the comfortable-looking bed on the other side of the room.

You inwardly sighed, thinking about sleep. But you felt as if you had to finish it. Your manager would hurt you if you didn't. You knew that; Lucifer knew that.

"No, no," you said, leaning over your instrument. "I gotta finish this."

He huffed. "Y/N, I know you don't want to hear this. But... I'm worried about you. You've been up for days just practicing your music, and for what? For some guy that hurts you? You need to get some sleep. I'll take care if that guy. Hell, I've got demons to take care of that guy."

"No, no. I got this." You tried sitting up straighter, but you didn't have the energy. Lucifer walked up to you from behind, putting a warm hand in your shoulder. "Get. Your. Rest," he said with a bit more authority in his voice.

You tried arguing. "But---"

"No buts," he said. You couldn't help but giggle. Your lack of sleep has been causing you to go a bit loopy, laughing at inappropriate jokes. You frowned. "But, I have to---"

"Get your sleep. You have to sleep, Y/N."

"No, I have to... I have to..." Your eyes were so droopy and heavy. Your entire face felt numb, and you felt uncomfortable no matter how you sat. You were finally able to see it. You needed sleep. This has been enough.

You tried getting up, bit you were to weak and lazy. "Carry me?" you pleaded with Lucifer. He smirked before swooping you up bridal-style and carrying you to the bed.

He laid you down gently, but your hand clung to the material of his shirt. "Stay with me?" you asked with the puppy face.

He smirked and crawled in the bed with you. He wrapped his arms around you, and you laid your head on his chest.

You fell asleep almost instantly, to the nice smell of your amazing boyfriend, taking hope in the fact that he would be there to protect you tomorrow when you finally face your boss.

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