Ship #9

513 20 9

I don't even know if that's the correct number. But uh


I ship you with...


Okay, of course I'd ship you with him. You two would meet because Crowley is on an errand and you're going to the store, but he'd immediately take a shining to you after seeing the devil eyes you shoot at the rude cashier that won't stop smacking their gum and talking about how you should dye the ends of your hair some other color (he later tells you that it's ridiculous she even brought it up).

You'd both be able to calm each other down. Crowley would sometimes come to you because the job was stressing him out and he needed to detox by going out and doing something, and maybe someone would wind you up too far and he'd remind you there was no need to be so angry as long as he was there to kick their ass. He'd be wickedly protective of you, but he would still understand that everyone needs space. He'd still kill for you, tho.


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