One Shot for Gabby

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A/N: This is for @GabriellaWindsor.

Character: Castiel

Personality: Sarcastic, Funny, Brave, Skilled

Plot: You're Sam and Dean's sister and you get taken by Lucifer, and they need Castiel's help to find you.


You kicked the metal bars of the cell one last time before grunting and giving up. You took a seat on the hard bench. "Damn it."

You had almost given up hope. The last resort you thought of was Castiel. He was your brother's best friend, and the guy you could always count on. You prayed to your angel friend.

Okay, Cas. I need your help now. I'm stuck with Lucifer, and I'm pretty sure Sam and Dean can't find me. I need you, Cas. Help me.

You sighed and tilted your head back against the wall, closing our eyes.

Then you heard a flutter of wings.

You opened your eyes at the speed of light and looked around the cell. Castiel stood there with a serious expression on his face. "Gabby," he stated as if he had something to tell you.

"Oh, thank God, Cas. Now get me out of here." You let a small smile appear on your lips as you get up to meet him eye to eye.

"Okay then."

He wrapped an arm around your waist and 'zapped' you out of there and back to the motel, where you were safe and sound.


A/N: please don't hate me. I know it's sucky and short. I recently read this sad fanfiction and it's really gotten to my head. I've gone into depression mode, and I'm also a serious procrastinator, so I apologize for the suckyness of this one shot.

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