How He Shows He Loves You

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He'll let you drive the Impala. Everyone knows the Impala is his baby, but he trusts you enough to let you drive her.

He lets you hunt with him. You know he wants you safe and sound. and you know hunting will put you in danger, but he trusts you enough to let you defend yourself.

He would rather stay with you than deal with his Heaven business. This shows his love because he even chooses Heaven over Dean. Despite their profound bond. So, his bond with you is pretty darn special.

He would rather listen to you about your boring day, rather than hunt with Sam and Dean. You know how much he looks up to his brothers, but he would rather be with you.

He lets you boss him around. This shows his love because you know he could easily overpower you like that. *snap* So, this means he loves you enough not to overpower you or betray your words.

He would leave little roses everywhere he knew you were going to go. Since he's almost always busy with Heaven work, he shows his love by leaving gifts that make you smile.

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