One Shot For Abby

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This is for Abby.

You fight Adam, no one dies, and it turns out, you're only working for Crowley because Crowley's got your sister.


You send your fist flying into his face, landing square in his jaw, while your other elbow propels backwards into the guts of the guy behind you. the first dude goes flying back whilst the second falls to the ground, groaning. he remains there for a while.

The blonde guy who went back pulls a hunting knife out of his back pocket. He holds it up to you and screams, "Leave her alone, you freakin' demon!"

In your mind, you think, "What the hell? Demon?"

But your reactions, as usual, came before your thoughts though. You slap the knife out of his hand. You didn't even hit it hard. The guy was just seemingly wimpy. You then do some sort of karate kick and end up kicking him in his..."royal jewels". Like the second guy who came at you, he's moaning out of pain on the floor.

You take a look at the two men on the floor. One of them is very tall with long hair. To you, he sort of resembles a moose. The other one, though you won't dare mention it, is very attractive to you. He has short blonde hair and gray eyes. While you're lost in his eyes, he grabs your ankle and pulls you down.

He holds the knife to your throat and tells you, "Okay, you demon. Here's how it's gonna go." He slowly gets up, forcing you to get up with him. Your back is now pressed to his chest, and the knife is almost against your neck. He slowly walks with you to a painted circle with patterns in it on the floor. "Okay, now, we're gonna move to this circle here. And then you're gonna sit there like the good girl your meat-suit once was."

Your breathing becomes short and shallow. Becoming frustrated, you ask, "What the hell?! Are you serious? You're gonna do voodoo on me because I'm a freakin' girl who can fight?!"

You tug at his grip, but he doesn't budge. The second dude eventually gets up and ties you up in the middle of the red circle. They both start chanting at you in a different language.

After about five minutes of useless chantings, you clear your throat and ask, "Excuse me, but WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED TO ACCOMPLISH HERE?!"

They stood in shock, their jaws dropped. "Why the hell isn't the demon comin' out of her yet?!" You started yelling at them from the chair. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! I am NOT infected with a damn DEMON, you psychopath!"

You struggled against the ropes, and one of them came loose. But you say there. Behind your back, you slowly untangle the ropes where they couldn't see. They whisper to each other for a long time.

After ten minutes, you finally finish untying it. You yank the ropes off you and make a run for it. They, of course, catch up to you and stop you. They stop trying to defeat you, and the cute blonde one gives you a slip of paper. It's a phone number.

He clears his throat and says, "Look, we know Crowley's got your sister. Just... call me if you need help... or anything... Okay, uh, bye..."

You gladly take the number and say, "Alrighty, then."

You two start a romantic relationship, and live happily ever after. Of course, assuming Adam's safe from Hell...

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