You Fight and He Hits You

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It was after a hunt, and you two came back to the motel room tired. He was a bit more uptight tonight, probably considering the fact that you almost got killed by a poltergeist.

You two had begun to fight about your safety. He wanted you to stop hunting, but you didn't want to. "I'm just sayin' that it's not safe, Y/N! You could've died out there!"

"That was something I signed up for from the beginning!" you fought back. "I knew the risks!"

"Damn it, Y/N! I just don't want you getting hurt!" he yelled back in your face.

"I'll get hurt if I damn want to!" And with that, Dean instinctively shoved you back. You tried leaning against a wall, but there was no wall. You fell back and landed on your back with a big bang. "Oh, my god! Y/N! Are you alright?!"

He tried reaching out for you, but you shoved his hands off you. "No! Don't, Dean." Tears flooded your eyes as you rushed out of the motel, with Dean chasing after you.

You ran down the road, ignoring Deans calls for you. "Y/N!"

You two were fighting about Ruby. You knew Sam had a... relationship of sorts... with her, and, though you wouldn't dare admit it, it made you jealous. You always felt like you were being compared to Ruby.

"Y/N, you are NOTHING like her! And, honestly, that's a good thing! She was EVIL! Do you not realize that?!"

"Well, she seemed plenty fine to you!" You brought up the time Ruby tried seducing him, but ended up trying to kill him instead.

He shook his head. "That was a ONE TIME thing! AND nothing even happened!"

"BUT YOU KNOW YOU WANTED IT TO HAPPEN!!" Then you felt a fast burning sensation across your cheek. You let out a small, unnoticeable, whimper. Sam had slapped you. In the face. Hard.

He still stood there, shocked, as it seemed, to his very core. His hand was still in the air, and he was shaking a little bit.

Clenching your jaw and holding back tears, you rushed out the door. Tge years fell the second you left the room. You sat yourself against the door with your knees to your chest and your face in your hands, and you cried your heart out.

Sam didn't come out to apologize. He probably wasn't going to, anyways.

You and Adam were arguing, yet again, about how you think he loves Sam and Dean more than you. You knew he looked up to them. But worshipping them? That was just crap.

"Adam, I understand that you love your brothers VERY much! I just want to know that you love me, too! 'Cause, right now, I feel like I'm worth less than a sack of potatoes to you!"

"Bull-crap! You know how much you mean to me!" he retorted. You stepped up in his face. "Exactly HOW much do I mean to you?! Obviously less than your brothers, of course! Well, you know what? Your brothers can go to hell!"

With the mention of his brothers and hell, his protective instincts kicked in. And before he realized it, he had punched you right in the cheekbone.

You stepped back and back and back. You carefully put your hand on your face and winced. It hurt.

Anger boiling inside you, you grabbed your keys off the table and rushed out the door before he even got the chance to say, "Y/N! Please come back! I didn't mean it!"

You didn't even make it off your porch before collapsing to your knees and bawling your face off. The last thing you heard before picking yourself up and driving away was the sound of him angrily breaking fragile objects in the house.


You two were both hotheaded, stubborn people, so you two argued quite a lot. Usually, it was about little things, like why he had to deal with Heaven before dealing with you. "You know how much I love you, so stop this... this... WHATEVER THIS IS!"

"Well, how much?! A lot less than Heaven, quite obviously."

He gave a low, almost silent, growl. Heaven, his brothers, the whole shebang, were his weak spots. "You know that isn't true. Don't be like that."

"Like what, Gabriel? Huh? Like what?!"

"LIKE A BITCH!!!" And, suddenly, there a fist hit your face. It landed right on your cheekbone. You instantly held your hand to your face. You whimpered in pain as you felt the bruise already forming.

He reached out to touch you, but you backed away in fear. "Y/N, please... I'm sorry..."

"No," you whispered to yourself as you ran out the door. You felt hot tears fall down your face as you ran. Away from Gabriel.


I didn't put Cas or Samandriel because I honestly don't think those two angels would dare hurt their loved ones. Especially not my baby boy, Samandriel...

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