How He Treats The Baby

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When you two are out shopping for supplies and cradles to prepare the nursery, he makes sure to get the nicest things he can manage to afford. When you two are alone together in the bunker, sometimes you'll find him reading a children's story to your swollen belly while you're napping or even making them watch a documentary. "They're gonna be so smart, (y/n)," he'd always tell you, and you couldn't help but do anything else except nod along (we also mustn't forget how he'll put headphones on your belly and crank out ACDC. You'd always complain about how the noise has to be unsettling and how you feel them moving around--he'd say they were dancing). When they're finally born, he's sobbing in joy in the delivery room, and weeks after, he's so careful around them, looking at them like they're the most precious thing in the world to him.


Sam is immediately a savvy dad. He has everything planned out, with the cradle going here, and a shelf going here, and we're going to feed them (and you) these things at this time and on this day. It seemed he had the rest of six years of your life planned out. He reads to them as well--but mostly classics, like William Shakespeare--"You're gonna make his ears bleed with boredom, Sam," (he'd always look at you in horror after you said that)--and he would take you to the movies and you'd always catch him explaining things to your stomach. You smack him lightly on the back of the head and make him resign to lacing his fingers through yours. When the baby is born, however, all of those plans just about crumble, and Sam is left stammering with no idea what to do, and frightened beyond belief to even hold them.


He's always following after you, offering to help you with things, and sneaking in behind you when your back is turned to do whatever you're working on anyway when you say no. He's always going on about how amazing it is to him that women can carry babies, and sometimes he'll pass you and simply place his hand on your stomach briefly, the skin underneath glowing for a second. When you ask him what he's doing later, he tells you that he's checking to make sure they're okay. You also wake up sometimes in the night to him whispering to your side, and when you listen for a while, you figure out he's telling stories of him and his siblings in heaven, playing when they were younger and promising he'd let them share that experience.

When they're being born, he about rips his hair out, because he's slightly stressed about the fact that you're hurting (even though he knows that it's normal and that he should not be panicking) and the fact that no one will let him do anything. When he finally gets to hold them, though, a peacefulness goes over him that's just about creepy.


He would be sweet to the baby because he loves it. And he doesn't want it to be excluded from the family like he was.


He's constantly freaking out. He doesn't offer you candy for the whole nine months, and he denies you it even for your cravings, as well, because he's convinced even one piece will ruin every grain of health in both of your bodies. He's always singing to them, and he'll tell stories of when he was still one of the Lord's most trusted angel, how powerful he was and how well he'll still be able to take care of them. After they're born, he just about gives himself a heart attack worrying over them, until you remind him that hey, it's your child too.


He would, at first, be in shock. Because he never expected to have a child, considering he's an angel. But he truly falls in love with the little soul when it was the first time the baby held his hand. It may sound cheesy, but Samandriel felt something, a loving and protective something, stir up in his heart when the baby grabbed his finger with its little baby hand. He knew from that moment on that he had to love and to protect this child. No matter the cost, this child will not go unloved. It will be unharmed. He had to make sure of that. Because he loved this child. And he loved you. And that was honestly all that mattered to him.

-Haizley & Piper

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