One Shot For Vera

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A/N: This is for _Queeeen_.

Character: Sam

Plot: They're dating, but he finds out she's pregnant they get into a big fight about it, so Sam leaves her. Then they run into each other a few years later, and Vera has their 4-year-old.


You heard the door open. You were in the bathroom, sitting with a positive pregnancy test in your hands. How am I going to tell him?

You brush yourself off and throw it in the trash, covering it with a thin layer of toilet paper.

You knew he didn't want kids. You thought it has something to do with how he was afraid he would turn out like his father. And he didn't want that for any child.

"Vera?" you heard him call out.

"Yeah, babe?" you replied from the door of the restroom.

"Nothing. Just making sure you're home," he said, sneaking up on you and snaking his arms around your waist. He placed a soft kiss on your lips. "I missed you."

"And I missed you," you said, tapping his chest. "I have got something to ask you..."

"Sure, honey," he said. "Well, okay then. Here goes. Promise you won't get mad?"

He poked your nose. "Only if you don't gimme a reason, baby," he said jokingly.

"Sam..." Tears were just about spilling now. "Sammy... I'm, uh... We're gonna have a baby..."

"What? No," he said with a seriously dangerous tone. "Vera, you know how I feel about kids. I can't... I'll just end up like my dad..."

"You don't think I know that?! You think I can control my organs telepathically!!" You didn't realize you had began to raise your voice at him.

He avoided eye contact completely. "Vera... I don't want this kid to have me in its life... I'm no good for it... or you. I... I think you should go."

"Sam, no," you pleaded. "Please, Sammy... No, I can't. I can't raise this baby by myself. No. No, please. You can't leave me..."

By now, tears were streaming down your face like a river. You saw his jaw do that thing, where it clenches in one spot. "Vera, go. Now."

"Alright," you whispered, letting out small whimpers at a time.

Anger spat itself out of your mouth. "Fine. I'll go. And I'll just... never let this baby, my baby, know that his daddy was a coward. Too afraid of himself to love this child."

And with that, you were out the door. You didn't look back, and you didn't want to. Not right now. Hopefully, not ever again.


Five years later, you return to the same town. You weren't expecting anything, just a pit stop on the way to your favorite carnival as a small child. So you could show little Riley, the 4-year-old child, how fun your childhood was.

You walked around the little gas station market, picking up some waters bottles and some of his and your own favorite snacks. You turn the corner.


You ran right into someone. You instinctively helped them to their feet. And by their height, you recognized him instantly. Sam.

His hair had changed. It was longer. He had also gotten a bit tanner.

He must've recognized you too because he was already staring at you with that same look from five years ago. "Vera?"

"Sam! Oh my god, how've you been! You look... different. Good different, though!" Your words tumbled more than a flimsy football player (lol, I actually know nothing about sports. I don't even know what a tumble is).

He just smiled that same smile, same adorable dimples, same flashy teeth. Then he saw Riley. "Um, is that...?"

"Yes," you replied quickly. You pulled Riley close to you. "His name is Riley."

He smiled softly at Riley. "I couldn't have picked it better."

"Well, it was nice seeing you," you say, trying to get out of an awkward situation.

"Yeah, I guess." You pulled out a pen out of your purse. You forcefully took Sam's hand and wrote something down on it.

A minute later you released his hand and went to pay for your items. You and Riley left without another word.

Sam looked down at his hand.

[Your Phone Number]
We should catch up some time!
- Vera

He smiled at his hand, remembering how soft your touch was.

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