How He Realized He Loved You

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You were hurt on a hunt. This frightened the living daylights out of him. And this made him realize he didn't want you hurt. You were too precious to him to be hurt because.... he loved you.


You were kidnapped by a demon. Much like Dean, this scared him. He couldn't imagine you bring hurt. He assumed it was because he loved you. And his assumption was correct.


It was the first time you kissed him. He didn't understand, of course, why he felt like all he wanted was you. This confused him. So when asked you what it meant, you smiled and said, "It's because you're in love, Cas."


It was after one of the many times you outwitted Dean. He was laughing so hard he didn't even realize what he said when he said, "Oh, man, I love you." This shocked you and flattered you. You responded casually, "Love you too, dude." It was what you said that made him believe what he said was true.


He was randomly angry about the Winchesters. You, knowing his habits, had a Snickers bar in your pocket. Actually, you were going to eat it, but you decided to give it to him because he needed it more than you. While he was ranting on, you threw at his face from the couch, yelling, "You're not you when you're hungry!" He ate it and smiled. He realized you gave him the candy YOU were going to eat. He loved you for it because even HE knew women need their chocolate.


He knew it when he first met you because of the butterflies in his stomach every time you came near him.

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