Ace Arrives

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Over the next ten minutes or so, we all make it so that we will know if we are talking to a real crewmate or not. With a bandage tightly on our left forearms to show that we are who we say we are.

"Tie them on tight," Zoro says as he uses his teeth to tighten his bandage. "This enemy has too many secrets for us to falter at any moment."

"With these on, we'll be able to tell who's who," Nami says, as Vivi tightens hers.

"Are they really that good?" Sanji snips. "Clone-Clone, Transformations?"

"They're not just good, they're perfect," Usopp says.

"It's freaky."

"He was great!" Chopper adds. "We had to cheer him on!"

"Now that we know what we're up against, we have to plan everything with care," I say, letting Zoro check the tightens of my bandage.

"What can I do?" Chopper asks, pointing at himself.

"Whatever you can," Usopp encourages. "If you can't win, run. Just remember, do your best!"

"That's your motto, huh?" Sanji asks.

"Quack!" Karoo says.

"Whatever I can do?" Chopper says. "I can do that!"

"We're nearing the harbor," Vivi says.

"We can anchor in the cove to the west, so we can hide the ship," Nami says.

"Right!" Luffy holds his left arm out. "No matter what happens, our left arms will bear..."

We all stick out left arms out.

"The sign of our fellowship!"

"Right!" We all chant.

"Now, let's head ashore! To eat! And then onto Alabasta."

"Alabasta is an afterthought?!" Nami screams.

I chuckle as everyone starts to bicker about what we need to do. About what needs to be top priority. About what we need to focus on. Even in the face of so much danger and uncertainty, we can joke around like this. It feels freeing in a way. I can trust all these people with my life, and I appreciate that.

"Lowering the anchor!" Usopp calls out.

"Restaurant!" Luffy grabs my hand. "Come on Akari! Food!"

"Luffy," I choke out, but he is lifting me up and rushing off the ship.

"Wait!" the rest of the crew shouts after us, but it is already too late.

"Luffy," I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him. "You can't just grab me and run off into a town that we know nothing about."

"I had to bring you along for that very reason that we don't know this place." He sniffs, trying to figure out where the food is. "If we're together, then everything will be fine."

"Well, I can't argue with you there."

"Do you smell that?" He aggressively sniffs.

I gently sniff, not really getting anything but dust and sweat. "No, what are you talking about?"

"Got it! A restaurant!" He turns, sending us flying down a street where at the end I can barely see a restaurant.

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