That one moment.

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Still sat there, tears ran down my cheek. 'She didn't believe in me, she thinks i'm stupid, i know she doesn't like me but there was no need to walk out' all these thoughts going through my head! I burst  into tears. I couldn't control my emotions, all these thoughts, all negative, I never gave myself anything positive to think about; well to get anything positive I need to believe in myself and that won't happen until someone incredible tell me and until they believe in me.

 Running my fingers under my eyes wiping away the tears, Sarah walked back through the door. It had been a good 10 minutes since she left the room. I lifted my head at the sound of the door closing. With a small, folder piece of paper in her right hand, she lift my head with her other hand. 'Lucy?' 

My eyes rose to look at her, still, emotionless face. 'Yeah' still wiping away the tears that escaped my eyes. She handed me the folder paper. I gave her a confused look.

'Open it. Go on. I hope it will help' 

My confused emotion still appeared on my face, I took the paper off her and held it in my hand for a few seconds. I slowly unfolded the paper. It was a poster. 'Whats this?' Looking up towards Sarah biting her lip, with nerves, on how i would react to the paper. 

'Don't ask me, Just read it, see for yourself.'

Looking back down at the poster it read 'Do you have a musical talent or know someone who does?' I carried on reading 'well it doesn't take much, just upload a video of yourself singing your favourite song and send it to the email below' I stopped reading as my eyes wandered over to the side of the poster. One Direction. That was it. an instant smile on my face. I was lost in the poster, gazing into Niall's beautiful blue eyes. Sarah is talking to me. 

 'So, Lucy. Are you going to let me hear you sing?'

My head shot up. 'er-erm, no. I don't like to sing in front of people. I know i'm quite a loud person in lessons, but I'm actually a really shy person. I'm sorry. This was a waste of time. Its not for me. i'm sorry.' And with that 'sorry' I left the room. Walking in one direction as Beth and Morgan was walking towards the room from the other direction. 

Beths prov.

'Where has Lucy gone Sarah?'  I began to question. 

'She's just walked out after I gave her this' Sarah handed me what looked like a poster. My eyes grew wider as I read the poster. 

'Sarah why did you give this to Lucy?' 

Sarah looked shocked. 'Didn't you know?'

Me and Morgan looked at each other with a confused look on our faces. 'No' we chorused.

Sarah sighed. 'Oh Girls. You really need to talk to her. She was talking to me about dropping out of the course because teaching is not what she really wants to do in life. Its singing. she wants to work in the Music industry. I thought she would have told you.'

'Sarah we have only known her the same time as you have.' 

'I knew something wasn't right today when she wasn't listening in class. Beth we're going to have to talk to her' Morgan insisted. as we turned for the door, Sarah called us back.

'Have you heard her sing? I wanted her to sing to me so i could see what she was like but she didn't want to. that's when she walked out.' 

'Don't worry Sarah, We'll sort it. and we'll let you know soon. But what we have just talked about, stays between us three. we can't tell any other students and you can't tell any other teachers! agreed?' 

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