I've had a fab time

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This chapter was written by @alexbeth16. All credit to her! Go read Beth's stories, 'Forever and Always', the sequal 'Always and Forever' and her new story 'tea for three'! They are all amazing!!


The boys were in London for the next six days and therefore Niall invited me to stay at his flat for the time he was there. Waking up in the morning was blissful. Niall was shirtless and my head was pushed against his chest. He'd obviously already gotten out of bed this morning as the curtains were pushed open to reveal the open balcony doors. His index finger gently traced circles on my upper arm, just under my hitched up t-shirt. Well technically it was Niall's shirt but let's not be pedantic.

"Morning," he rasped. His voice was so deep, his accent at its thickest.

"Morning," I blinked, trying to regulate my eyes to the brightness of the room.

"I love waking up with you."

"It's pretty damn perfect waking up with you too," I smiled, wriggling out of his grip to kiss him. "How long have you been awake?"

"An hour or so. I made a cup of tea, opened the balcony doors and then got back into bed."

"You made tea and didn't make me one?" I said, raising my eyebrow teasingly.

"I'll be back my lady," he smiled, kissing me before shuffling out of bed. The weather outside sounded beautiful. Streams of bright spring sunshine flooded through the double doors and the sound of bird song paired it. Such a beautiful day!


Niall made me tea, in my new favourite mug, before we both snuggled down in bed for another hour. We didn't say much but the bird song was perfect background music. After an hour, we had to get dressed for soundcheck. I wasn't staying for the show tonight; I was coming back to Niall's place to get ahead on my writing. Niall understood and wasn't disheartened in anyway.

Niall drove to the arena and instantly spotted Harry and Louis' cars. We walked in, swinging our hands playfully between each other. Niall kept saying 'hi' to people I'd never seen before in my life! I just smiled politely and followed him. As we approached the green room, we heard comfortable chatter. Niall swung open the door and a round of greetings hit us. "Hi," we chuckled simultaneously.

"Lucy! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to get here!"

"Hello to you too El!" I said as she suffocated me into a hug. Over her shoulder, I saw Louis rose from his seat slightly. Any movement that El made that he thought could harm her or the baby scared him an insane amount. I nodded singly to him, offering a comforting smile. She was just fine.

"Will you come baby shopping with me?" she asked abruptly.

"Now?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Mm-hm. I just want to look around."

"Sure," I hesitated. "Is that alright with you Lou?" I didn't want to tread on anyone's toes. This is Louis's child; he should be the one who buys his child's furniture and clothes.

"It's fine!" he smiled. "We're going again in a couple of days but as soon as I suggested it, someone couldn't contain their excitement." That someone was pretty obvious as El stood next to me, gritting her teeth in a wide smile and her hands flapping close to her face.

"You don't mind, do you babe?" I asked, turning to Niall.

"No, of course not. I'll just meet you at home, yeah?" I nodded with a bright smile and kissed my boy.


El and I hit the shops soon after, but not before a promise to Lou to keep his two babies safe. Eleanor drove us to the centre of town. It was fairly busy seeing as it was the middle of the day but being a weekday, most people were at work. We headed straight to the baby section of the department store. We discussed her appointments and schedule at university. And before long, the conversation turned back to her beau.

"He's going to be such an amazing Dad," she cooed. "He's great with his sisters and my cousins and Lux. I'm so excited just to give him this opportunity."

"He's just as grateful, you know? He knows you're going to be a fab Mum! Your baby is going to be so lucky!"

By the end of the day, El was tired from lugging the shopping bags around so we called time. She bought a few outfits; baby grows and vests but nothing hugely substantial. She picked up a couple of brochures too so she and Lou could browse through the furniture and prams and whatnot before they bought anything. We grabbed a takeaway coffee before heading back to the car.

"I've had a fab time," I smiled.

"Me too. I'm sorry I had to cut it so short, I just get so tired so easily nowadays."

"It's no problem at all. I was told to keep you and baby safe and I think if you'd have collapsed in the middle of Selfridges, Louis would have chopped my head off!"

"He's such a worrier!" she chuckled.

"How was the announcement?"

"Okay as it could be I suppose. Twitter and Tumblr went crazy, obviously. Lou won't let me go on my twitter account because he's read some of the comments already and he's appalled."

"Glad it's out in the open though?"

"Definitely! I don't think I can hardly hide it any longer. I mean, look at me!"

"You're glowing!" I grinned.

"I meant my bump!" she chuckled. "But thanks. The fans will have to deal with it sooner or later. That's what Louis said anyway."

"He's right. Wise man!"


El dropped me at home and I got straight to song writing. I made myself a cup of tea and settled on the sofa with my notebook and pen.

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