Nerves get the better of me

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Lucy's P.O.V

So today's the day; the first day of the 'Take Me Home World Tour'; the first day of my own promotional UK Tour. I'm not going to lie, I am scared; scared of the audiences reaction and scared of going alone. Obviously with Niall not being by my side and preparing for his own tour, this is going to be hard.

I was currently spread out on top of my bed covers. Although it was the end of February and it was snowing, the heating had been on all night and I was beginning to feel like a turkey at Christmas. I starred at the ceiling for quite a while, just thinking about my promotional tour; working out the days I would be off so I could catch up with Beth and Morgan; and also to catch up on some of my college work. I am so behind.

When I eventually adventured downstairs and into the kitchen, I flicked on the kettle to make my morning tea. Trying not to make too much noise to wake the rest of my family, I shut the kitchen door. Grabbing my 'Keep Calm and Love 1D' mug from the cupboard I placed to on the side and placed the tea bag in, filled it with the boiling water, added sugar and milk and removed the tea bag. I didn't feel it was inappropriate to have my mug as it was a present from my parents when I won the competition. Niall understood. I laughed to myself as these thoughts were going through my head.

After drinking my tea, I made my way back up to my bedroom to get dressed. Collecting my bag and jacket off the side and grabbed my phone; I dialled Beth's number and awaited her to answer.

"Hello baby girl!" Beth practically screamed down the phone. I replied with a hello and came into conversation about going to a cute breakfast bar to grab something to eat.

I donned a pale blue skater dress, a cream think knitted cardigan and my TopShop ankle cut out boots with lace hemmed socks that poke over the top of the buckle.

When I arrived at the breakfast bar, the waiter showed my to a table for two next to the window. A few seconds after I sat down the chimes rang as the door opened. I raised my head to see Beth walks towards me. She was sporting the Aztec print top, black leather jacket, black leggings with the bottoms rolled up, and her statement blue Adidas trainers.

I jumped out my chair and leaned over the able to hug her. "I've missed you" I whispers into her ear.

"You too, my little pop star" I felt Beth's smile on the face of my face. Me separated from our hug and Beth's smile remained on her face.

"I'm surprised nobodies come up to me yet; not being big headed" I laughed lightly. "My promotional tour starts tonight."

"Oh you'll be fine sweetie, I'll be with you every step of the way."

"It's funny that you said that. I was wondering if you would travel with me. It's fine if you don't want to because of college during the week, but it won't be every night. I want someone there who I can trust and I who I know supports me 100%."

Beth's mouth open slightly. There was a short pause. "Yeah of course I'll come. I'll just need to clear it up with Sarah and my mum, but it should be ok." Smiled broke out across our faces. We ordered some breakfast and drinks and sat and had a catch up as we've not really spoken in a few days with all my travelling and meetings.

I finished my pancakes and chocolate sauce, very healthy for a singer, and my water, (that makes it better... I suppose). We still sat and talked for a little longer. I glanced at my phone and it vibrated to signal I had a text; from twitter.


@NiallOfficial: Good luck to my Girl, @LucyDevon. Beginning her promotional tour today. Go get tickets to her shows if you haven't already.


@LucyDevon: Thank you babe @NiallOfficial. Good Luck to you and the lads. You'll Rock it.

Signing out of twitter as I know I would get loads of notifications replying to us both, The time caught my eye; 11:30pm. we'd been here for 2 hours. "I hate saying this sweetie, but I've really gotta go. I've got a dress rehearsal at the theatre in 20 mins, then got to go shopping with Grace who's my stylist for this tour."

"Ok sweetie, no worries. We have been here for 2 hours! I suppose I've got to get used to not seeing you much." Beth's mood suddenly changed as those words came out of her mouth. "But I've got to get to college anyway, I start at 12. I can ask Sarah then about coming with you on your tour!"

We paid the bill, said our goodbyes, and left the breakfast bar. What Beth said Bout me not being around, really 'hit home'. She's right. I'm not going to be able to see my family very often, I'm not going to be able to see Beth and e rest of my college friends very often; but I suppose I need to get used to that if music is really what I want to do; and it is!

The doors were just about to open of the theatre and there were so many emotions running through me. The ringtone of my phone rang out. "Hello?"

"Hello babe" a familiar Irish accent replied. "How are you feeling?"

"A little nervous, but I'm sure I'll be fine. What about you?"

"I'm not too bad thank you beautiful. Your nerves will die down when you get on stage and when your support act warm up the crowd."

"Yeah, really excited for Kat and her guitarists to warm up the crowd." We carried on talking for a little longer.

I heard my name being called, "Lucy? Lucy?"

"One minute Niall." I turned around to find Kat, from my support act feelix. I held my hand over the microphone of the phone, "hello hunny."

"We're just about to go on stage, we won't see you until after your set so good luck." Her strong Yorkshire spoke.

"No worries Kat. Enjoy yourself and thank you!" I gave her a hug and removed my hand from covering the microphone, "Niall I'm going to have to go do my warm ups and what not. I'll ring you later tonight!"

"Ok babe, go smash it! I love you chummy."

"I love you too." I hung up the phone and went into the dressing room to put on my clothes Grace had set out for me. She placed out a pale, cream based dress with purple, pale blue, and pink butterflies spread out through-out the material. The dress was split at the waist line and fitted with a lace band.

After I changed into my clothes I heard the crowd scream as Kat/Feelix entered the stage area. "Good evening Sheffield, were Feelix and we are supporting Lucy on her promotional tour!" She carried on introducing themselves with their social networking details; then got singing.

I was stood in the wings at the side getting ready to join them on stage to sing their new single 'Baby Steps'. "We are going to introduce a very special guest to sing our new single baby steps. Everyone welcome LUCY DEVON!!" She screamed my name with a reaction of the crowd screaming.

I entered the stage. It was mental. "Hey guys!" I perched myself on the high stool next to Kat, and we began to sing.

When the song ended I hugged her and her guitarist, Nick, waved to the crowd and exited the stage. There were only a few songs until Feelix had finished their set and was time for me to go back to Grace for my hair and make-up touch-up.

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