Looks like she's with me

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Three Days Later.

Niall's P.O.V

Today was the 2nd March 2013 and me and the lads had just finished our last date in Cardiff. We were all huddled in the tour bus waiting to set of to the hotel. I dialed Lucy's number. "Hello Baby" just to hear her voice again was so calming.

"Where are you right....." I left the suspense.".... now?"

"Well. I'm in the mini van just travelling to Cardiff. Why where are you?"

"We are in the tour bus on our way to the hotel. I'll meet you there right?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me. How many rooms did management book?"

"Five rooms. They'll be four double rooms, for the couples," I said choosing my words carefully. "..and a twin single rooms, for the singletons."

"Right, ok." Lucy's voice sounded uncertain. We talked for a Little longer until I arrived at the hotel. Saying our goodbyes, I hung up the phone.

There was a crowd at the front entrance to the hotel, so the tour bus went round the back and we enter in the back entrance. One of our team went to get our rooms keys and room information from the reception desk. He gave Louis and Eleanor a key card for their room, and they took their bags from the bus and explored the hotel.

"So, Louis got a double room, Zayn? Zayn where are you?" Zayn made a noise and rose his hand. He took the other key off him. "Another double room for Zayn, Niall your key for you and Lucy." I thanked him and stood around for Harry and Liam. "Harry here's your key for your double room for you and...?" He stopped and looked at Harry.

"Jessica. Her name's Jessica."

"Harry, what about Beth? I thought you and her were..?"

"You, Mr Nialler, thought wrong" a smirk grew on across his face.

"So where is Beth staying?"

"Looks like she's with me. I hope we don't have to share a bed. She's a lovely girl and everything but I don't want to share a bed with her." Liam piped up. We all got given our keys and followed Louis' footsteps and went to find our rooms.

I received a text.

From: Lucy <3

Heya baby. I'm just around the corner. Fancy meeting me in reception? I hope you don't get trampled on. I love you, Luce <3

I asked around for Steve to come and support me while I made my way to reception to meet my girl. I was met by a crowd of, mostly girls. There were a few boys, but they looked like they had been dragged by their girlfriends. I took photos with a few of them but was interrupted by my baby walking through the door.

She looked perfect. Dragging her suitcase behind her and her guitar case in her other hand. Beth lagging behind; not looking in the best of moods. My eyes found themselves back to Lucy's beautiful eyes. "Hello baby girl." she placed her guitar on the floor and dropped her case. I wrapped my arms around her slimmed down body,

"Hello Handsome." A smiled spread across her face.

"Baby, sorry to meet on a bad-ish note, but are you eating properly? you seem to be loosing a little weight.... I know you want to, but you don't look yourself."

"Well I have been eating, just not alot. But I am trying to eat healthier and improve myself."

The girls are screaming from my side. "Lucy you look gorgeous. Your perfect together." Smiles were planted all around. A group photo was taken with her, we waved goodbye, grabbed Lucy's bags and made our way to the rooms. We had to explain the sleeping arrangements to Beth, and I wasn't looking forward to it.

When we explained to Beth, her head sank. She didn't understand why, but she was happy enough to be sharing a room with Liam. She said she felt safe with Liam, and as long as she's happy and Lucy is that's all that matters.

It was getting late and everyone was crowded into our room; all chatting, with pizza and a healthy option for the girls, some salad. We sat and talked for hours but it was getting very late. Lucy was yet again wrapped in my arms and I could feel her head slowly sinking as she fell asleep. The other girls recognized Lucy and persuaded the boys to leave.

I tucked her up in the bed sheets and got myself ready for bed. Collecting my phone as I moved around the room. Checking my twitter feed and mentions. I tapped the create button.

@NiallOfficial: Tucked up in bed with my girl. Tonight's been hilarious, can't wait to go see her gig tomorrow in Cardiff!! YOU READY GUYS????

Making another tweet and I ran out of characters.

@NiallOfficial: Anyway, good night all, hope you sleep welllll! <3

I logged out of twitter so my phone wouldn't go off throughout the night with notifications. Rolling over, placing my phone on the table and turning off the light, I went into my own little world, of sleep.

The Next Morning.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I must have fallen asleep last night because I can't remember everyone leaving. I climbed out of bed and made myself a cup of tea.

Returning to my bed, I logged into twitter to be greeted with plenty of notifications and mentions. I scrolled through and clicked on a few to find my attached in replies to Niall's tweet. He''s such a cutie. I love him so much. I created a tweet myself.

@LucyDevon: @NiallOfficial your such a cutie. I love you so much. P.S. sorry for falling asleep last night everyone, I'm so anti-social.

I waited until everyone else was awake, and I made my way to Beth and Liam's room. I walked in on them just chatting about the tours. "Hey ya'll. You sleep well my darlings?" they nodded in reply.

"Lucy. I know you might not want to talk about it, but did you recognize who Harry is with?" I shook my head. "It's Jessica." I gave him a blank look. "Jessica Johnson." My mouth slowly parted.

"From the-" Liam nodded. I moved my line of vision back to Beth. "I'm so sorry Beth. What is he doing? he's such an idiot." I ran upto Beth and smothered her in my scent. My arms tightly squeezed her shoulders.

"Lucy, honestly. It's fine. I'm over it. We were never together anyway. He just lead me on. Anyway. What time are we going out today?" I could see straight through her smile. It was so fake; but she always pushes on and puts on a face. I shrugged my shoulders in reply. I exited their room to get ready.

I didn't want to apply too much make-up because it will only be re-applied later for my gig. I threw my hair into a messy pony tail and dressed myself in my dungarees, tights and my thick woolly jumper underneath.

Everyone showed up in reception all ready to go out. It was already 12:30pm and everyone was getting hungry. As always Niall argued until we agreed to go to Nando's. "Niall, remember I have to be at the sound check at 3 'O'Clock." Niall nodded in reply as he packed his mouth full of chicken.

Hours past and it was time for me to leave the gang and get to my sound check. I hugged everyone, and whispered to Beth, "I hope your feeling ok. I know your a strong person and your putting on a front, but I love you. Don't ever change." with that, I left Nando's and head to the gig.

Beth's P.O.V.

Why? Why me? Why did he have to bring her? Why is that not me? I must admit I do love him, but I need to let him go. He's with Jess now. I just hope it's not awkward tonight, for Lucy's sake.

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