Don't you just love Christmas Post

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Lucy's P.O.V

A few days had passed and I was still wondering whether my submission was too late.

It was the morning of Christmas Eve. A good lie-in was needed. I looked at my clock and it was 11:30am. So not much morning left. Slumbering out of bed, I grabbed my robe of the back of my door and put it on as I walked down the stairs. Fastening the belt as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I shouted morning to all my family; well my brother, mum and dad. Reaching for my phone that had been charging over night, i grabbed it off the kitchen side, and entered in my password. what? I didn't want anyone looking through my personal things on there!

I walked into the Living room, and slouched onto the sofa, next to my brother; he wasn't happy this morning, he found out he was working on Boxing day. I ignored him for the whole time I was sat down because I didn't want to get on the wrong side of him; when he's in a bad mood you know about it.

I began to type Beth a text. I still hadn't told her that I was going to enter the Competition. the text read:

Me: Beth. I need to tell you something. Its about that competition....... cutting to the real information; i've entered. but I think I may have been too late. I investigated the competition on their website and the submission deadline was midnight and I submitted mine just after. I've not told Morgan yet so please don't tell her. love you lots babe. Luce xxxxx

Hitting the send button I was sat waiting for a nervous reply; so I texted Morgan too. Basically saying the same thing.

Me: Morgan. I need to tell you something. Its about that competition thing ....... cutting to the real information; I've entered. but I think I may have been too late. I investigated the competition on One Direction's website and the submission deadline was that night at midnight and I submitted mine just after. I thought I should tell you. love you lots babe. Luce xxx

No reply. Thanks girls. Love you too!

15 minutes past and there was no reply. I jumped out of my seat from the sofa and walked into the kitchen to chat to mum. Very boring conversations. I turned to go collect my phone from the sofa and the postman delivered some post through my front door. Rushing to the door before anyone else would, I sorted the post into piles; which ones were to be saved for Christmas day and which ones could be open now.

After putting the Christmas cards under the Christmas tree I went back to the second pile. there was a letter addressed too me. 'what is it I wonder' 'it might be my give from Charlotte, I'll leave it till tomorrow' I said to my self.

'What darling' I heard my mother shout to me.

'Nothing mum, just talking to myself!' Its quite a habit since I've started college that I talk to myself. its not good.

Many hours past and it was bed time. Still being the big child I am; I hung my stocking on my bedroom door, I got ready for bed and attempted to go to sleep. Even though i was 16, I still couldn't sleep.

It was about 3 hours later at around midnight when i finally fell asleep. Lets see what tomorrow brings.


Yet again. another Christmas Day when I'm the first one up, and out of bed. Looking at my phone to check the time; it was 7:30am. Still abit early to wake mum and dad. So I opened the presents in my stocking. Only one present in there and a few cards. The present was a little silly present from my parents. Some guitar stings. I am forever breaking my strings. I attempt to tune the guitar into a different tuning and they snap. I'm only a beginner, you can't blame me.

After opening the few cards that were inside my stocking, I Started to read my favourite book. 'Good Night Mr Tom' my school teacher used to read it to us when I was about 10. And I have loved the book ever since, for 6 years!

Time past quickly and it was soon 8:15 and mother came into my room to wake me up, to see her unrealistic shocked face to see I was already awake.

 Running down the stairs into the kitchen, I filled up the kettle and put it on to boil. 'MUM, Do you want a cuppa tea or coffee?' I shouted with a excited tone to it. As it's no surprise, there was no reply!  So I made myself a lovely mug of Hot Chocolate in my Starbucks mug- the mug was a early Christmas present I bought myself. My parents came down the stairs and the my brother tagged along. 

'Didn't you do us any drink Lucy' asked Oliver. Oliver was my 20 year old brother. He was never excited for Christmas even when he was younger. Quite a mardy child he was. 

'No' I snapped back at him. 'I shouted to you all but there was no answer, surprise surprise.' 

'Come on children, no arguments on Christmas Day. Your supposed to be happy and excited! not all morbid' my dad interrupted the conversation. 

'Dad, we are not arguing, we are having a disagreement' I said with a giggle under my breath; and with that I opened the living room door and walk in. Set my mug on the table, and sat myself on the sofa waiting for everyone else to come into the room. 

 After a few minutes and everyone had made them selves a drink, we were all sat in the living room.  'Go on then' mum beckoned me to sort the presents and cards into piles. 

'Ok. Ok' I jumped out my seat. Trying to be kind i didn't sort my presents out first. I gave Oliver his, then mum hers, then mine and then finally dad. He only had 2 presents. Oliver started with his presents, I waited. after he opened some things I started on the things my dads side of the family bought me; then my mums side. I always opened my presents from my parents last; well technically, my brothers last, because he gives his presents out in the evening....

I began to open cards, and I came across the letter that came through the post yesterday; However i still had 4 cards to open... I just stared at the envelope for a few minutes. 'I hope this isn't another  bank letter saying i'm in debt again, when i'm obviously not!' i thought to myself.

I opened the letter with a worried look on my face. I pulled the piece of paper out of the envelope. it read:

'To Lucy Devon, We received your submission for the 'Sing for 1D' competition; we have had thousands of submissions. however I am proud to announce you have made it to the final 10.'

The rest of the letter went blurry. I couldn't believe it. I have a chance at doing this. OMG! I didn't tell my parents. They have never believed in me and i wanted to show them I could do this! I picked up my phone and logged into my emails. 1 new in-box. It was from 1D HQ.

'Congratulations. Merry Christmas. I hope you received you letter about your 'Sing for 1D' submission. As we said we are happy to congratulate you on your achievement. We would like you to come to London on the 2nd February, where you will give a live audition. Your audition will be at 3:30pm. However, accommodation will be provided for you and 4 other members of your family or friends to come with you too. This will be at a near by hotel Friday night through to Sunday afternoon. We will keep you updated with any other news. See you soon. 1D HQ'

I set my phone down on the table. 'I need to tell Beth and Morgan.' I whispered to myself. 

'What was that darling' mum asked. 

'Nothing Mum. Just talking to myself.' 

'Ok' she muttered. 

The rest of the day seemed to go pretty fast. I didn't eat much of my Christmas dinner and i was quiet for the whole day.... when my people asked me what was wrong I just said 'I don't feel too great to be honest. But i'm sure I'll be fine.' People knew something was wrong with me but I'm telling them! Just got to wait for tomorrow so i can tell Beth and Morgan....

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