Lucy, Whats going on??

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Lucy's Mum's P.O.V.

I ran into Lucy's room, feeling like Usain Bolt. Never ran that fast before! I stood over Lucy's bed.

'HELP. NO. NO. I CAN'T. NO' Her voice echoed thought the whole house. 

'Lucy. Lucy whats up?' I shook her whole body. 

Her eyes opened. It was scary. I've not seen her in this state for a long time; well since she was 6 to be honest. I propped her body up against the wall next to her bed. 

'Lucy. I'm really worried. Is is college? I understand if your getting stressed, I got stressed to when i was your age,' I paused for a few seconds. 'Lucy. Are you having boy trouble? I'm always here if yo-'

I stopped talking. I got that glare from Lucy; the 'I don't want to talk about it glare.'

Lucy's P.O.V

I just looked at her. Is she being being serious? I opened my mouth to say some words but she got there before me. 

'It is isn't it. oh Sweetheart. i am always here if you need to talk t-'

'MUM ITS NOT BOY TROUBLE' I did the air quotation marks so I made sure my mum understood it wasn't that! 'I'm fine! it's not college, its not friends. I just don't want to talk about it right now. I'll talk when i'm ready.'

Her face just went emotionless. She looked at me, on the verge of tears; She got up and walked out of my room trying not to slam the door shut on her way out. 

I felt guitly. I made my mum upset. She's never going to be proud of me now! 

I left her to calm down for half an hour and then got up out of my bed and went to go meet her in the kitchen. She was sat at the kitchen table, Head in her hands. Still, looked like she wasn't breathing for a moment. I went and sat at the opposite side of the table to her as her head rose from her hands. 

'Mum' I started. 'I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to be horrible. I feel guilty for shouting at you, but sometime you just presume things and there not always true.' I carried on for a few minutes. Through out it she just looked and starred at me; she seemed to be taking it all in. 

 'I'm sorry Luce. Your right, I just jump to conclusions. But you don't understand how worried I was. You've never had a bad dream like that since you were 6 years old! you'll understand when your a mother!'

There was a few minute pause.,, 'Mum' I lowered my head. 'I have something to tell you. IYour right, it is college, Don't take this the wrong way' I quickly corrected myself. 'I just don't know if childcare is what I want to do. Wait, I it is what I want to do on the outside, but on the inside, deep down, its not'

She gave me that concerned look. Lucy, What's going on'

'I've entered a competion. I know I should have asked for your permission but it was a one chance thing. I just went for it. I would have never have entered if I was to ask for permission. so your just going to have to deal with it.' I stopped and raise my head to look into her worried eyes. 'I've entered a music competition. Its for a chance to-To-.'

'Oh just spit it out Lucy!' She shouted.

'Its for a chance to sing with One Direction Mother! Is that ok now! I've told you! I'm going up to my room! GOOD BYE!' I knew I had the rest of the day to face, but I just couldn't face seeing her at this moment in time. 

So its been half an hour since I last spoke to my mum. I opened my door quietly. My dad was still asleep. He could sleep through a hurricane; so I tip-toed down the stairs and into the kitchen, where my mum was still sat. This time with a large cup of coffee, and the news paper.

'Mum I'm going to meet Beth and Morgan. I'll be back later. Bye' Putting on my shoes, balancing on one leg, one at a time. Eventually Opening the front door, the door alarm woke my dad up. 'Great' i said to myself exiting the house and shutting the door afterwards. 

 Half way down my road I pulled out my phone and dialled Beth's number. 

'Hi, I know its only 11am but I'm on my way to meet Jack. See him for an hour or so then I'll walk to the park and meet you and Morgan?'

'Sounds like a plan stan' she replied.

'Stan. My names not Stan.' I was so confused! 'Oh, I don't understand you sometime Beth! alright then babe, i'll talk to you later. Text me when your at the park. Love ya, bye' She sure new how to cheer me up.

I had a gut feeling meeting Jack today wasn't going to go well. I text him. 

ME: Hey babe! Happy Be-lated Christmas. haha. I'm on my way to yours now. Just wanted to see you because I've not seen you in a while. Love you loads. Luce xoxox'

I carried on to his house. I was only about 5 Minutes away and my phone buzzed. It was Jack.

JACK: Hey babe. Erm, I'm busy at the moment is there any chance I can meet you another day? 

This wasn't normal. He's always so happy to see me; and no kisses or 'Love you too' at the end of the text? whats wrong with him. I replied.

ME: No Jack, I really need to see you! I've missed you! Love you?? xoxox

I finally got to his door. Raising my hand to knock, the door already opened. It was his dad. 

'Lucy!' He opened me with open arms! His dad was amazing. Such a great man! I don't know why jack is always annoyed at him. 'What are you doing here?' I looked at him with a blank face. 'I thought you were ove-'

I gave him the confused look. 'Can I?' He nodded. I rushed up his stairs and went straight into his room! Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. 

Jack's P.O.V.

I could hear foot steps coming up the stairs and I knew they weren't my dads! Lucy! It was too late to move. I wander how she would react? It's time to face the music. 

In she walked. She looked at me and the dark haired figure layed beside me. 

'Jack' she trembled. She just looked at me. 

'Hello' the girl next to me raised her voice to say. 

'Erm, Lucy. This is Katie' my voice trailed off towards the end of the sentence. I could feel the glare of Lucy's Deep blue eyes burn through my head. 

Lucy's P.O.V.

His voice trailed off in embarrassment. Katie got out of the bed only wearing her underwear and her bra and walking into the connecting bathroom. 

'Jack...' I paused. 'how could he do this to me! All of a sudden all these words spilled out of me! 'I really thought you cared Jack! after the 6 months we've been together! What a way to spoil my Christmas! Thanks a lot! no wonder you didn't text me on Christmas day, talking of which you haven't text me for a week or so! your dad said you'd told him we were over a 3 weeks ago! you know, i wish we were! It would have saved me the money on your extra early Christmas present I bought you the other month! i hope you and Katie are happy together! Don't ever contact me ever again!' and with that i turned around and slammed the door. 

Heading for the front door Jacks dad stopped me. 'Luce, I don't want you going out in a state like this. Please stay until you have calmed down?'

Tears started streaming down my face. Reality had struck. I nodded and he wrapped his arm around me. We sat and chatted about things... not Jack. Knowing he was upstairs with that slag annoyed me! We didn't touch the subject! 

I raised my wrist to check the time and it was 12:30. We had been talking for an hour! 

'I better get going. Thanks for the chat. I know where to come if I ever need some real adult advice. Thanks again. I'll show my way out.'  So for one last time; I left Jack's house. 

'Beth I'm on my way. I won't be too long. I've got a drama and a half to tell you when I see you and Morgan! See you late. Love ya, Bye' I hung up the phone from Beth and text Morgan.

ME: Just come out of Jack's house. Got a story and a half to tell you! See you in 20 minutes! Love ya. Luce xox

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