I'm looking forward to it.

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Lucy's P.O.V.

The past few days have been lovely, I got to spend time with Niall, I went shopping with El, and then with Louis, Niall & El; also the boys adviced me on a few songs I had written. Throughout all this, I have being staying in Niall's flat, but now I the boys have left London to go to Newcastle to carry on with their tour, so I am all alone in his flat. 

I've finished writing a few songs, and being roughly recording the melody and lyrics on my phone; but today, the 9th April, I am working in the studio. I'm here for around 6 days, so I should get the majority of my songs recorded. 

When I arrived, I climbed out of the car, my rucksack on my back and my guitar in my right hand. I knocked on the door, but shortly realized there was a buzzer to the right of the door. I pressed it with my free hand and waited for someone to receive the call. A few seconds later a 'hello' was let out from the speaker. "Hello, I'm here to see Ed to come record some songs." 

"What name is it please?" the person on the other end said. 

"Oh yes of course, It's Lucy Devon."

"Come on in," 

"Thank you" I finally replied. The door in front of me signalled with a click noise that it was open for me to enter the studio. 

I was greeted by a blonde, blue eyed figure, at a similar height than myself. he held out his arm for me to accept. "Lucy, hi. I'm Ed. How are you?"

"I'm great thanks, excited to be in the studio, this is a very strange but happy feeling!"

"That's understandable Lucy. Don't worry, we will get started and see what you've got prepared." He took my coat and bag as I followed him into the main studio; he placed my belongings on the hooks on the wall. I took my guitar out of its case 

"It looks better in real life!"

"You've seen it before?"

"Well no, but Niall explained it to me when they were here not long ago. He said you made a great choice." My face beamed with happiness. 

Ed directed me into the recording booth where he handed my many cables to connect my guitar too. I informed him that my lyrics book and notes were in my backpack. he left the room to collect them and then shortly returned. I retrieved what I needed and set my music on the stand provided. I placed the head phones on my head, only covering one ear, leaving one ear free to hear myself sing. 

I heard a few bangs and rustling noises through the head phones. "Can you hear me Luce?" He spoke into the microphone.

I replied with a simply "Yep." popping the 'p'.

"Now I know you've just plugged in your guitar, but" he sighed, "If you unplug it again, I think we'll just have a raw recording for the first set down of all your songs. you know what that is right?"

I nodded at him through the window, "Its like recording everything through the microphone right, with no edits?" he nodded. "Brill" I smiled with relief. 

"I'll let you start when you're ready; But do you want a cuppa or coffee first?"

"Just a water please." 

"Oh yes, very sensible," he smiled and muted his microphone. When he left the room, I made sure my guitar was in tune, fiddling with a few of the tuning pegs before strumming, checking the volume was right. I opened my lyrics book and notes and set them on the music stand, sat back down on the stool and began recording.

Ed returned just as I was finishing my second song. he reached down and un-muted his microphone, "you worked out how to stop the recording on the box then?" I nodded. "it's sounding amazing!" my cheeks blushed. "While you record the next one, I'm just going to check over the sounds of the two you've recorded."

"No problem." I carried on with my recording.


After a few hours I had all my demos recorded. I thanked Ed for his time, "See you tomorrow, Ed, thanks again." 

"Same to you Lu, I'm looking forward to it." 

I collected my belongings and headed back to the flat; however, Ed said I could leave my guitar there so I didn't have to walk how with it. 

When I reached the flat, I got straight onto the internet as usual. I updated my social networking sites. when I was browsing tumblr, someone re-blogged a beautiful looking flat that was in London. It looked so modern and blissful. It began to get me thinking; I loaded up a new tab on the internet and browsed some flats in London. 

In the back of my mind I knew I wouldn't end up moving anytime soon, after all I am only 16, maybe when I'm 17 or 18, but I'm pretty happy with living at home and sometimes staying with Niall when I'm in London.  

The rest of the night was pretty boring. I finished my book, and skyped Beth and my parents and headed to bed. One final text to my boy, 

To Niall <3

Heya baby. Just a quick text to say I hope you had a good day, The studio was brilliant, did loads of raw recordings and Ed was so welcoming. I can understand why you guys love him so much! I miss you so much! I will ring you tomorrow when I'm at the studio, Love you millions<3


The past few days at the studio have been absolutely amazing! I have recorded 13 songs with Ed altogether, but going to see him again in a few days time to discuss what songs to put on the album. The boys have been in Sheffield for the past two days, travelled up because I had a ticket I bought last year and I didn't want to sell it because I was going with Beth and a few other friends. I wanted to go back to normality again of going to see a gig and being in the crowd, not in a V.I.P box. 

We all travelled down to Birmingham, as that is where the boys were tonight. I opted not to go to the gig tonight as I volunteered to look after El. She was feeling a little rough lately, she was  beginning to have a few troubles with her knees and feet so didn't want to be stood up all night. 

We stayed at the hotel and watched a movie, she noted me that she was super tired so I did expect her to fall asleep during the film. We both snuggled up in our beds and I placed to popcorn and skittles on the bedside table in their bowls. I grabbed the television remote and clicked the 'play' button. 

About 45 minutes into the film, I rolled over and noticed El was asleep. I climbed out of bed and ran to her side of the boom to turn of the lamp on the wall. There was only about 20 minutes left of the film so I curled back up in my duvet and finished the movie; at the end of the film, for the final time I got out of bed and turned everything off. I felt like the mother hen! 

Two hours later, I heard the boys come back to the rooms next door; I took the opportunity to check on El, she was fast asleep. So peaceful. I copied her and bedded down for the final time tonight. 

One of the least eventful chapters in my story; Oh well!

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