I must admit....

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Lucy's P.O.V.

 Tonight is my last tour date, London. Its flown bye! its unreal. It has been the best experience of my life. 

Over the past week, the boys have been crossing from Belfast and Dublin. Tonight they all go home to see their families, as tomorrow we all have meetings with Modest! and then they are back on tour. I told Niall to go and see his family in Ireland, but he was persistent that he was coming to my last show tonight, so who knows what happens; I always feel guilty that he's always with me and not with his family.

The rest of the boys have gone to there home town. I think El and Louis are telling their families about 'buba' today. I'm sure they will take it well; then to tell management tomorrow, and then the fans after. I hope Eleanor doesn't get anymore hate, she doesn't deserve it.

I made her go back to college at the beginning of this week. It's not fair me taking all this education time off her. We were at home anyway, on a 4 day break of my tour, so she may as well have gone back to college. There was no point in her staying at home. 

I'm currently sat to the dressing table in my London hotel; the boys said I could have gone and stayed at their flats, but non of them were there, and it would have just been weird me sleeping in their flats. Alone. so I stuck to a hotel. I love touring, but I must admit, I do miss my bed back home in Sheffield. 

I unravelled the towel from around my hair and dried it as quick as I could, knowing I had a sound check at the venue in an hour.  Once I had finished my make-up, I pulled off a white and navy polka dot dress from the hanger. I grabbed my trilby and some fan bracelets, fitting them to my wrists; and finally finding my top shop cut-out boots. 

As I exited the hotel, I was met by a group of around 7 or 8 photographers. I tried to act as normal as I could, but the flash of the cameras kept startling me. It was horrible! When I reached the taxi waiting, I reflected on what just happened. 'Do I really want to spend my life this way?' Thoughts running through my head. but a quote came into my head. 'If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough.'  It was true. Music is my dream, and the paps did scare me. I can't let them put me down, neither can the fans. I may get hate, but only a small percentage of them give me hate, the rest are the best fans in the world. I couldn't ask for better. 

As I slowly came out bad to reality of where I was, The taxi had pulled outside tonight's venue. I payed the driver, took my guitar and back pack with me and made my way to my final sound check of the tour. I did feel emotional when I got on the stage and set up my guitar into the sound system; I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. 

I stood and looked out into the empty theatre. A year ago, I wouldn't have even dreamt of my life being like this, and now, here I am, Playing a gig, in London, on my own tour. 

Once I had ran through the set list of the final show, I went with some of the crew for some late lunch. As we exited, we saw fans already queing. I forgot that it started earlier; starts at 5:30pm, instead of 7:30pm.

We rushed to wagamama's for some quick food. It really was rushed, as soon as we sat down with our food, everyone had finished within 10 minutes. We had a quick drink, water, of course... paid the bill and rushed back to the venue. 

I pushed the crew to go into the theatre, so I could see some fans. As normal, I signed some books that they had brought, I had photo's with them, and then they gave me some gifts; mostly bracelets, which I added to my wrists straight away. I said my good byes and headed back into the theatre to get ready. Grace was waiting for me. 

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