She loves you so much!

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Sorry for the late update. It's only a short chapter, it's not my best but felt I needed to update!!

Enjoy <3

Lucy's P.O.V

We sat and chatted for around two hours. In that time, I finally got to meet Niall's family, my parents, Oliver, Beth and Morgan mingled with Niall's friends and Olly Murs; and One of my mothers friends arrived with my god-Daughter, Scarlett-Rose.

As soon as she walked through the door, her little voice screamed "auntie Lucy!!" I recognised it straight away and leaped out of my chair and ran to her. I picked her up underneath her arms and spun her around. Pulling her to my chest she spoke, "I've missed you Auntie Luce. You said you would never leave me again." My heart broke.

"I know baby; and I'm sorry. But this is my job now, you may not see me alot, but You have to know that I Always love you."

"I love you too." I walked her over to where Niall was sat. "Lucy this is Niall. Niall Horan." Her face beamed with excitement.

"Hello Scarlett. Your auntie talks about you alot. She loves you so much." She spoke to him like a little star. They clicked straight away.

Not long after, one of the venues staff came and told us the we had to leave. "Lets retreat to my place" Olly piped up.

"Thank Ols, but I'm going to take Scarlett back to their hotel and tuck her in bed. I've missed her so much. Then I'll come back and re-join the group." He smiled and nodded while everyone collected their bags. I grabbed my coat, hand bag and 'share' bag of malteser's Scarlett and I were sharing.

When we got back to the hotel, I carried Scarlet in my arms to the room. She was nearly asleep by the time we reached their room. My Dad and Oliver entered the room to my left as my mum swiped the key card into the door infornt of us. I laid Scarlet straight on the bed and took off her jeans, socks and shoes, replacing them with her onesie. Removing next her top and buttoning her arms in the PJ's. Finally I tucked her up in the blanket provided.

"Good Night sweetheart. See you tomorrow." planting a kiss on her forehead. "I love you so much."

I said good night to my mum and left her room; Going next to my dads room next. I knocked on the door, "Dad its me.." The door opened to reveal Oliver still fully dressed. "Just wanted to say good night to you both"

"Good night sis. Well done. I am proud of you, you know that don't you?" He wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah, alright then!" I looked at my dad. "good night dad, Love you both."

"We love you too Luce!" he shouted from the bathroom.

"Bye guys." I waved and shut the door; making my way back down to the lobby of the hotel, I waved the the receptionist and left to head to Olly's.

Back at Olly's, it was just like back at the theatre, everyone in little groups, chatting. I joined Niall and Louis and Zayn chatting to Olly and my girls. The drinks were passed round, and slowly group my group, people began to leave Olly's flat. After a few hours, there was only our group left. Lots of drinks were being consumed and lots of drinking games were being played.

The last thing I remember is looking at my phone and the time reading '1:39am'

The Next Morning

I woke up to a beam of sunshine in my eyes. I look at my surroundings and notice the odd shoe and sock on the floor; these of which surround familiar faces: Niall; Beth; Morgan; Louis; Olly; Zayn; Harry' and Liam. Everyone was spaced out on the floor, except for myself, who was on the sofa. I raised my phone to above my face and tried to unlock my lock screen. In the process dropping the device onto my face and making a loud moan.

I re-woke a few hours later, to my surprise the bodies on the floor had decreased. "Oh she's awake. she just looked for us" A Bradford voice called. "Morning Lucy. Your head hurt." only moans could escape my mouth. "you better hurry. We have a meeting with management in and hour." I nodded and slugged myself off of the sofa.

I wobbled to the kitchen to find some pain killers for my head. "Niall?"

"Yeah" he shouted from Olly's room. "Do you have any spare clothes on the bus for us girls?"

"Yeah, I'll ring Steve to bring the bus over so we can go to management and Olly and the girls can hang out."

"Thanks" we all chorused, well groaned.

Once Steve arrived with clothes for us, I quickly got changed after my shower and the boys and I headed for the bus. "Where am I taking you this morning?" Steve questioned.

"Management please Mate," Zayn piped up. We slumped ourselves on the sofa towards the back of the bus. "Xbox lads?"

"I am here you know! I refuse to watch you all play Fifa! Can we not go on the Nintendo Wii, Mario Kart?"

"O.K. Just for you Luce!" Zayn is so sweet.

"Cheers Z!" He smiled and loaded up the game.

It was a fairly long drive to management so we managed to get in a few games. I won 4 out of 6 of course! I am the boss at Mario Kart, when I was younger, Danielle and I played Mario Kart for 8 hours. She was determind to beat me,,, she never did.

When we finally arrived, fans recognised our bus and began chasing us. Steve contacted reception of management so they would grant us access for the car park.

"Hey boys!" the receptionists greeted us. "Simon and the team are waiting for you on floor 4, room 426. See you later."

We thanked her and headed to the lift.

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