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Dedicated to Kiara_Louise! (It won't let me dedicate it though) :(

I give up with some people. One minute they want to talk to you, the next minute they don't want to know you; then they say its all your fault. You just can't win. I know everyone deserves second chances, but I give them many more. I give up.

Rant kinda over. 

Updating tonight 'cause I'm out all day tomorrow!!! 

Enjoy <3

Eleonor's P.O.V.

"Baby?" Janet nodded.

"I can't be pregnant? not now! Louis is in the highlight of his career! he can't be looking out for me all the time, and especially now there's a baby!" I began to panic. "What is he going to say?!" my breathing became short and uneven.

"El, you need to calm down. I thought you knew about your baby, If you stress and panic, the baby will become unsettled."

I eventually calmed down. "I suppose I have to think what is best for it." I paused. "It. I can't keep calling it that." Laughing realizing I had done it again. "We will call you 'bubba' until we know what sex you are."

"Oh how original. 'Bubba' " Lucy commented.

"well do you have any other names Luce?" I looked at her sternly. She shook her head as a 'no'. We giggled to ourselves. "Now just to tell Louis I guess. The boys should have finished by now. Where is he? did Lou tell him?"

"I'll go ring him." Lucy walked out of the room and out of the hospital to ring Lou. I hope he isn't going to leave me to face this alone.

Now it had been pointed out, I recognized the tiniest of bumps. The rest of the girls came back in the room. I placed my hand on my stomach, trying to hide it. I decided I would wait and tell everyone together. I told the girls that I just had high blood pressure and that Janet is going to take some tests and see if there's anything else.

15 minutes later and Lucy arrived back to the room. "All five lads and Lou are coming, they will be about ten minutes. The rest of the crew are going to sort everything out back at the arena." I smiled and shook my head trying to hint to Lucy not to say anything.

Niall's P.O.V.

As soon as we came off stage, I ran to our dressing room, picked up my phone, and made a tweet.

@NiallOfficial: 'Dublin! Thank you so much for tonight ! Was class! Loved every second of it! U lot never let us down! I love my country!' AN: His actual tweet!!

Moments later, I was inundated with tweets asking if El was alright. I ran up to Lou. "Hey lou, are the girls OK? whats up with El?"

"I don't know I got a text from Lucy saying she was rushed to hospital. I need to find Louis. Where is he?" I directed her to where I last saw Louis.

Louis ran up to us. "Where is El? Is she ok? what is everyone on about!" He was already upset and panicking.

"Louis." Lou put her hand on his shoulder. Taking deep breathes hoping he would follow. "Louis. El has been taken to hospital."

"HOSPITAL!" they began their breathing again.

"gone to hospital, I only have just a text from Lucy." Just then, my phone buzzed.

Swiping across my screen, I put it to my ear. "Niall? Tell Louis not to worry El is fine shes just got high blood pressure you guys come to the Hospital and you'll get the full story then."

Lucy didn't take any breathes. Her voice getting quieter and faster towards the end. I'm surprised I understood it! "Ok babe. you can breathe now. I will tell Louis and I will gather the boys together. Love you."

"Love you too hunny Bunch. Mwah" and the phone line ended.

I gathered the other boys and Lou and climbed into Lou's car.

The journey to the hospital was silent. Nobody wanted to say anything wrong, so nobody talked. I received a text from Lucy tell us what room Eleanor was in and when I recalled it to the boys and Lou, Louis face dropped. "What if she's not ok?" I wrapped my arm round him as he rested his head on my shoulder.

We lumbered out of the car and ran straight to the elevators. Louis ran In front to find the girls and ran straight through the door. He stopped. Has he ran into the wrong room? Is she there?

"Louis!" I heard El's sobs from outside the room. We all joined our girls in the room to find Louis cuddling El on the bed.

"Girls," Harry spoke. "Where is Jess?"

I turned to Lucy next to me. Her expression became angry. "Luce?"


"I hit her. I'm so sorry Harry. She was making comments about you boys saying how you didn't love us and we didn't support us. Saying that we were only with you for the fame. That really got to-" Beth's eyes welled up with tears.

"You hit Jess? YOU HIT JESS!! Who gave you the right!"

"That is just the reaction she wanted Harry, I reckon she wanted to split you boys up and split up the relationships formed because she was jealous. She was jealous over everything. Everyone saw it" Perrie's voice became a whisper.

Harry's head turned to us all. The girls lowered their heads. Louis looked at me, I raised one corner of my mouth at an attempt of a half smile, Zayn looked at Liam with a guilty expression and Liam looked straight at Harry. "Guys?"

"Harry-" Liam attempted to explain, but before he could, Harry had left the room.

We all left Harry to calm down. Lucy rose from my lap and walked after Harry. 

Harry's P.O.V.

I sat myself on a row of three chairs outside Eleanor's room. Accompanied by the sound of hospital beeps, voices talking technical term I didn't understand, doctors pushing patients in beds around the corridors. I was sat by myself for a few minutes until a nurse came to me and asked me if I was alright and asked for a picture. She kept saying how unprofessional she was, but I wasn't really concentrating on what she was saying.

When she left my side, Lucy walked through the door to my right. she looked up and down the corridors before she noticed me alone. "Hey." suttle. Very suttle Lucy. 

"What have you got to say?" Lucy just sat herself next to me. "In fact wait. You were right. We both know you were. I should have listened to you. I shouldn't have let go of Beth, but now she's kind of with Liam, I can't. I feel so dumb. I've been so stupid. She hates me. She never speaks to me and its all my fault." tears streamed down my face. My body hiccuped and Lucy placed her comforting arm around my shoulder. 

Once Lucy had calmed me down and comforted me, we re-entered the room. "About time. El is going to explain her tests to us properly." Niall's voice ushered us into the room faster. 

Lucy's P.O.V.

I sat myself on Niall's knee on the chair closest to the bed. Eleanor help out her had as I grabbed it. 'Don't worry' I mouthed. 

"So as you all know, The nurse, Janet came and did some quick tests. the reason why I collapsed is because I have really high blood pressure. Talking about it to her, I think it was all the stress lately with work, and the boys going on tour and moving around," she paused and looked at Louis, "I'm not blaming this on your boys babe, I just thought I was tagging along and not letting you guys perform properly with me not feeling well. Anyway, that's not all. Just as Janet was leaving the room as she told me the results. She told me something else. I'm Pregnant."

She squeezed my hand hard when the words escaped her mouth. I gave the a reassuring smile. The room went silent for a few second. "What. Omg." Louis face was in shock. 

"I know its out of the blue. I am shocked too. Please don't leave me Louis. I love you so much and I can't loose you. I just don't want this to ruin anything or ruin your tour." 

Louis gave her a confused look. "I would never leave you. You are my beautiful girlfriend, and you are going to be the mother or my child. I love you so much El Bear." He planted a kiss on her lips and the moment was special. 

The room was soon filled with the other's congratulating them. They are so cute! 

"But everyone," the room quietened down. "I don't want anyone to tell the fans, or their family. I want to tell our families first and then we will tell the fans" everyone spoke in agreement. The chat went on for a 2 more hours, but Janet then came and escorted us out of the room as visiting time was over ages ago. She left Louis and Eleanor in the room to stay over night. 

I sent Eleanor a text. 

To El Bear <3

I am so proud of you. I told you everything would be fine. I will see you tomorrow. Love you both! xox

She replied with a:

From El Bear<3

Thank you baby gurll! We love you too! xox

I shoved my phone back into my jean pocket and focused on what the gang had got planned. 

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