Excuse me miss, are you Lucy Devon?

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Our hotel room was quiet. I was getting bored of hotels now and I was really missing home. I never thought i'd say it, but I'm beginning to miss my brother. Even though me and Oliver weren't the closest and he still didn't think I was good at music, I missed our 'banter'.

Once Beth and myself were awake, we organized to spend the day going to the shopping centre. Today was the first day with both Niall and myself had off during our tours. I wanted to see him so bad, I wanted to see his beautiful face. 

As we were both getting ourselves ready for the day ahead, Beth took a shower first, while I rang Niall; I wanted to ask his what happened with Harry last night, Beth didn't want to talk about it. I laid on my bed waiting for him to answer. 

"Hello Baby." 

"Niall. I miss you so much, I want to meet up with you guys today, but I know you're busy, so it doesn't matter." my head sunk, and I brought my knees up to my chest. 

"I want to see you too Luce, but we're suppose to be spending the day writing, and just sorting some things for our next single. I promise I'll go on skype later."

"Pinky promise?" My little finger rose from around the phone as if Niall was really near to me. 

"I Pinky promise!" His Irish voice became soft.

We carried on talking until I heard the shower stop running. "Niall, Beth's about to finish in the bathroom and then I'm going in to get ready, but anyway, I'm rambling now;" I prepared my self, and lowered my voice so Beth couldn't hear me.  "What was wrong with Harry last night? When Beth hung up the phone last night, she wouldn't talk about Harry, or anything, she went straight to sleep. She always talks about him...." I paused to realize what I had just said. "Not in a weird way."

I heard a small laugh down the other end of the phone. "Erm, Lucy, Harry; erm... He's just a wild guy when he wants to be and he met-" He was cut off;

"I'm done now Lucy, You can go-" she looked at me then at the phone, "Oh sorry, it is Niall," I nodded. "Tell him I say hi!" she smiled and went to sit infront of the mirror to finish her make-up and do her hair.

"I'll talk to you later now Niall. I love you lots and lots like Jelly Tots." 

"Ok Luce, tell Beth hi back, and I'll skype you later. I love you too hunny Bee." With that, I hung up the phone, told Beth 'hi' and waltzed into the bathroom with a towel. 

The shower was just at the right temperature when I turned it on; I closed the glass door to protect the rest of the bathroom from getting wet. Stripping of my clothes, I un-tied my hair from the hair elastic and jumped into the shower; the water running down my back was like heaven. Just what I needed after a hectic night last night and a not so peaceful night while worrying about Beth. 

Once I was fully ready, we left the Hotel and headed for a day's worth of shopping. It didn't surprise me that when we got to the shopping centre, Beth went straight to a shop full of shoes; Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge and Victoria Secret were also on our list of shops to visit. 

It wasn't long until we had our arms full of bags from various shops. 

Beth's P.O.V.

I was having an amazing day with my Girl, but I still couldn't get Harry out of my mind. Who was is in the backgroud? I could feel my eyes filling, and ready to burst with tears. Lucy turned to me just as we were exiting Victoria Secret.

"Beth, What time do you-" I couldn't hold it in any longer. I felt like an idiot bursting into tears in the middle of Miss Selfridges. It wasn't long till Lucy's warm arms were around my shoulders. "shhh. Beth, come on," her comforting words, her welcoming arms. The tears gradually stopped. "Food?" Her blue eyes reflected the light. I smiled in reply not wanting to speak, in case I burst into tears once more. 

We made our way to a cute coffee shop, just around the corner. I slumped my body on a sofa in the far corner while Lucy went to get our drinks and a snack. She soon returned with my Iced Coffee and cheese panini. To be honest, I wasn't hungry, but I really needed to eat. It wasn't helping my mood. Lucy spoke just as I took a mouthful of my panini. "Beth-" I knew what was coming, I held up my hand in a 'one minute' gesture. I prepared myself while finishing my food. 

"In the shop," I began. "Well, the phone call last night, Harry. Their was what sounded like another females voice in the back ground. I know he is 'known' for 'having many different ladies on his arm' but I don't agree with that! He isn't. He is one of the nicest people in the world and I know he doesn't mess people around. I know we weren't together or anything but stil-" My words began to tremble. "I really like him Lucy. I felt like we were getting really close but now I feel like an idiot."

She came from the sofa opposite me and sat by my side. "You know Beth, there are loads of other people out in the world, who would love to have you. I agree, the press do make Harry sound like that, but maybe... maybe this time is just not right. Anyway, you don't even know if that was another girl." I placed my head on her shoulder and we just sat; didn't talk for a while, I was happy where I was, with Lucy. 

After an hour or so in the coffee shop, I didn't really feel like shopping anymore, but Lucy wanted to go in one more shop; a music shop. "Beth, Please can we go into the music shop. I want a new guitar for my tour. Please, Please. Ple-" I gave in. 

"Yes Lucy, but after can we please go back to the Hotel. I just want to sleep." She nodded in reply. I walked behind her as she practically ran into the music shop like a little five year old in a sweet shop. 

When I caught up with her, she eyes couldn't keep still. her head turning in every direction, it was her heaven. She kept walking backwards and forwards. Her eyes set on one particular guitar. The young man at the cashier kept giving her 'a look'. "Lucy," I shouted, "How long does this take?"

She spun around and gave me a dirty look. "Excuse me miss, are Lucy Devon?" We both looked at each other. 

Lucy's P.O.V.

"Yes, why?" I was so confused. Did he know who I was by my music?

"I received a Phone call from a Mr, Richards." It took me a few moments to realise who he was talking about. "He said he had needed to get you a gift but didn't know what to get you; anyway long story short, you select a guitar and its sorted." 

Beth's face was a picture. "Lucy, Who the hell is Mr. Richards? your not cheating on Niall are you? How could yo-" I interrupted her before she said something she would regret. 

"Beth. Mr Richards is Niall! He uses the name as an undercover sort of thing." Beth looked guilty. "So no, I'm not cheating on Niall!" Just as she was about to apologize, "Don't worry about it hunny! I just didn't want you to say anything you'd regret."

I looked around for a little longer, until I found the perfect guitar. I felt bad for Niall Buying it me. I could always give him the money back? right? 

The guitar I picked was beautiful. The young gentleman let me play the guitar to test it, It suited me perfectly. body of the guitar fit my frame just right, the blend of brown complimented my complexion.  I couldn't wait to show Niall which guitar I picked. 

The 'Mr Richardson' thing is all made up. I don't know if that's what he really uses. 

Plus theres a picture of the guitar on the side! (when it works)

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