Just me and my guitar

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Lucy's P.O.V.

It was time. My time to face my home crowd....alone. Just me and my guitar. I stood in the wings waiting, making sure my guitar was in tune and the roadies were making sure the equipment on stage was set correctly. 'Thank you' I mouthed to Steve my roadie. The crowd slowly started a chant. "Lucy. Lucy. Lucy. Lucy" The backing track to speechless began to play, warming up the crowd. I spent a few days in the studio last week getting a beat and percussion set on a Track for the backing. The beat slowly began to kick in, with the intro being longer than normal, the suspense was high.

The crew members nodding their heads to the beat. "Oooooooooooooh" I sang into a microphone that a crew member was holding, singing from really high and scaling down, abit like Jessie J. The crowd went wild. 'Enjoy' Steve mouthed to me as I replied with the biggest smile I'd ever produced. He held out his arm for me to enter the stage. "Well hello Sheffield!? How are we tonight. My first song will be a little song I wrote when I was younger, this is speechless." I could see both girls and boys at the front of the barriers Infront of the stage. I loved the fact that both boys and girls enjoyed my music.

During a few songs I covered I took out my ear piece and listened to the crowd sing back the lyrics. It was mind blowing. Although they weren't my own lyrics they were singing back to me, they were the lyrics of my idols; Olly Murs, One Direction, Little Mix, Mumford and Sons, Jason Mraz, and so on. A moment I will never forget. From that moment I knew that music is what I wanted to do. I love my child care course but music is my passion.

I was three quarters of the way through my set and I was just having a moment to enjoy the banter of the crowd and thank everyone and explain my journey. "So as most of you will know, I am from Sheffield, I am or was, I'm not quite sure, a child care student, and I entered the 'sing for 1D' competition. Thousands of people entered and I got down to the last 10, the last 5, the last 3 and into the final with the last two. The whole competition was the best experience of my life, I met so many amazing people, I met 1D, and most of all I won. Also, as most of you will know, there was some miss understanding between Niall, myself and the other contestant Jessica. I'm not going to go into detail cause its a boring story!" I laughed to myself.

I moved to the front of the stage and sat on the edge. I continued, "basically me and Niall are close. Through out my musical journey the 1D lads have been so supportive, their fans have been supportive and I have closely gain my own fan base," making quotation marks with my hands are 'fan base'. "I couldn't have asked for a better start to the music industry. Here I am 3weeks from winning the competition and I'm on my own promotional tour." I felt my eyes welling up. "I'm not going to lie, it's been so emotional. My friends have been amazing and my family have been just the best I could ever ask for! I'm really going to miss them while I'm on tour, however I do have my best friend, Beth coming with me. Although she can't be here tonight she will be for the majority of the rest of the tour."

I was interrupted by a big scream. "I love you baby gurl." A spot light moved to the middle of the crowd and there I saw the majority of my college class; including Beth.

"Oh my days. Everyone. The spot light is shining on my best friend and my college class. Who have been extremely supportive, thank you guys. My eyes are welling up with tears. So emotionally!" I laughed and some of the crowd laughed too. "So now I need to get up from here, and in a dress that's not going to be very elegant." I rose from the edge of the stage as best as I could without revealing most of my bare skin. "So this song is my second to last song, with the call and response song just a silly song, I thought I'd do to songs that mean a lot to me to finish, they are 'More than this' obviously by the amazing 1D and 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz. They are both the most emotionally connected songs to my experience and I'd like to share that with you, thanks for having me guys. I love you all. Here it goes." I began to play my guitar getting teary throughout both songs.

I Finally finished my final song and waved goodbye to the audience. That was amazing. The crowd were still shouting my name. 

Opening upto Sarah, getting the poster and entering the competition was the best decision I ever made. I owe it all to Sarah. She and Beth persuaded me to enter the competition. 

I walked into the back room and found Kat and Nick. As I entered the room they both stood up and welcomed with me with a hug. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met. "Well done Lucy!" Nick spoke into my ear. "You deserved that positive reception; you really do!" 

"Thank you so much Nick. It means alot." we carried on talking for what felt like ages when we were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." I shouted to the character waiting to enter the room. I turned my head as I heard the door open. 

"Oh. My. God. You were amazing!! I am so glad I got to see you here, at your home crowd, with all our college friends." A tear glided down my cheek as these words left Beth's mouth. "You have made me the happiest best friend in the world. I couldn't be any more proud. I bet Niall would have loved to have been here to see you rock your own crowd. At least I can tell him and show the videos I recorded."

"Thank you so much!" More tears streamed down my face as I wrapped my arms around her. "I thought you couldn't make it though?"

"I couldn't. Morgan had organised a big gathering with college friends that happened to be on the same night. She only told me this morning that she had bought us all tickets to come and see you. It's the best thing she has ever done!!" Beth explained. 

All four of us sat and talked for a little longer until all the audience had exited the venue. I was informed that there were a few 'fans' were waiting outside the venue to see me. 

Kat and Nick had finally left the venue and had gone back to their hotel to rest before we move to our second venue tomorrow. The crew had gathered our equipment and had begun putting it in the tour van. Beth had left and I was on my own going back to my home to say my final goodbye to my family before the 3 weeks of touring. 

As I exited the venue little screams came from a handful of girls that were still outside the venue. I stood with them and talked for 5 minutes and signed their gig tickets and took photos with them. Just as I was about to leave I got my phone and got Steve to take a photo of me and the small group of girls. "I'm going to put this on instagram and then upload it to my other sites, is that ok with you girls?" They were all excited by the fact they were in the photo I had took and that loads of people would see it.

"Thanks again girls!! see you soon" I waved good bye as we went our separate ways and I climbed into the van. One date done many more to go!! 

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Sing For Niall Horan (Niall Horan Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin