Hey Luce, It's Niall

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Niall's P.O.V.

(The same day)

I walked out of Liam's apartment and Dialled Lucy's number into my phone. There was no answer, so I left a message. "Hey Luce, it's Niall. I need to come and see you immediately. It's important. See you in about 10 minutes."

I got into my car and drove to Lucy's hotel. I tried to work out what I was going to say to her when I got there. 

I drove into the hotels parking lot and walked up to the receptionist. "Hello, I'm looking for Lucy Devon. She's staying here for the 'Sing for One Direction' contest."

"of course,I need a reason for seeing her as you are not a member of her family?"

I had to think fast. "She....erm... Left her phone at the venue yesterday, she may need it today."

"Thank you, I'll let her know your on your way up. First though can I have an autograph?" I smiled at her and signed a card she gave me with her office pen. "Thank you, Ms Devon is in room 403" 

"Thank you-" I looked at her name badge, "Judy"

I ran to the lift, pressed the button to 'call the lift'. When there was one free, I squeezed through the gap as soon as the doors opened and pressed button 4, and the other button to shut the doors again. 

I finally got to floor 4, and made my way to room 403. I knocked a few times. I still hadn't figured out what to say to her. I heard someone making there way to the door, the door unlocked and then opened. Lucy was stood there. Still in my T-Shirt, hair up in a messy hair-do. "Hello, What bring you here Niall? have you come for your T-shirt?"

"oh know I left u a message on your phone, I need to talk to you about something important..."

"right well you better come in then, make your self at home, move y guitar out of the way and sit on the bed." I moved past her as she held the door open for me. I picked up her guitar and placed it on my lap, as though I was about to play it. I waited on her bed and she closed the door and came and joined me to sit on the other corner of the bed. " You look rushed Niall. Whats up?"

"I have no real easy way of saying this." I just couldn't bring myself to say it. There was a long silent pause. "The meeting today-" 

"oh yeah, how did it go??" Lucy interrupted.

"That the thing, it didnt go to great. It's not about the competition, your still in the finals. It's about us" Her whole mood changed. her shoulders lowered, her posture changed. She didn't look the happy usual self she was. "They don't know about 'us' and the date we went on, and. well. They want me to go on a date with someone. Its all been booked and I can't cancel it. I'm really sorry Lucy. I've just been with Liam for an hour trying to figure out what to do...."

"who. who is it?" she asked. her voice was more like a whisper. She sounded like she was about to cry. "Do I know who is it? Have I met them before?"

"I'm afraid you have. Its Jessica from the competition. I'm so sorry Lucy"

She burst into tears just like I did to Liam. I went to go put my arm around her shoulder but she forced my arm away. I sat there, watching her cry her heart out, all because my management want me to go on a date with someone else. I left it a few minutes. Sat there hopelessly. I tried to put my ar around her again as she hadn't stopped crying. 

She came into my hug and buried her head in my chest. "I'm so sorry Lucy. I'm not going to stand for it. I'm going to make us work. Not Jessica. Us. you just have to believe in me for a few days. Until this competition is over on Saturday." I felt her head move up and down in a nodding motion. "Thank you" I whispered to her. 

Once she had stopped crying, I picked her guitar back up off the floor. I began to play. He head rose from her hands and looked into my eyes. 

"Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed,

'cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with you heart,

I tore it apart,

And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence

And no woman in the world deserves this

But here I am, asking you for one more chance

Can we fall, one more time?

Stop the tape and rewind

Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade

'Cause there is nobody else

t's gotta be you

Only you

It's got to be you

Oh, Only you" I stopped playing and gave her a quick kiss. "I mean it Lucy. You're the only one I want to be with right now" I starred at her beautiful eyes. "I must get off now Lucy. I'll call or text you later. Please get yourself ready for tomorrow. I don't want you to be upset." 

When I was back at reception I waved to Just at the desk. "Bye love" and made my way back to my car, and on my way to the 'date' with Jessica. 

I was given an address in the meeting this morning so i knew where i was going for the 'date'. When I arrived, its was the movie theatre; how original. I parked up right near the doors so I could see for when Jessica arrived. It didn't take long till I spotted her. 

Paparazzi were slowly surrounding my car. I jumped out and called Jessica's name and ran inside. I didn't want this to be in the news. 

"Hey Niall" she said first. 

"Hey." I really wasn't in the mood for talking at the moment. "What film to you want to do watch?"

"I don't mind. Anything. I like all the recent ones." 

We made our way to the tills, bought our tickets and made our way into the small theatre room. I had asked for a small one as I didn't want lots of people seeing me. I was very careful of what I was doing. When we sat down Jessica started asking me lots of general 'getting to know you better' questions. I awnsered them as I didn't want to be rude. 

Once when movie had started, we didn't talk all the way until it was finished. This had to be one of the worse moments of my life!! 

Just over 2 hours later, The movie had finished. We waited till everyone had exited the theatre so we could leave. We made our way through all the cameras. Word had obviously spread we were here. We Jumped into my car and drove Jessica back to her hotel.

 "Look Jessica. You're a really lovely girl, but, management booking this afternoon out was a big waste of time. I think I have found my Mrs Horan and I'm afraid its not you. I am sorry. they shouldn't have got your hopes up. It the press ask you about this just say we were just getting to know each other the the competition or something."

"It's ok Niall. don't worry. I have really enjoyed my day with you. I feel I have got to know you a little better, I mean I would love to get to know you more but if you've found who your looking for then that's all I can really say." She replied to me seeming very chilled out.

The rest of the car journey didn't see as awkward as I thought it would have been. We played some music and sang along, and just had a laugh. I was in a better mood than what I was earlier but I am still not keen on the whole 'Niall go on a date with Jessica' thing.

We soon arrived back at Jessica's hotel. "Thank you Niall. It has been amazing. I hope you and your future Mrs Horan work out. I will see you tomorrow." She gave me a smile so I smiled back.

"Thank you Jessica. See you tomorrow" she closed the door and I made my way back to my apartment.  I made a tweet: '@NiallOfficial: Today has not been as bad as I thought it would be. Can't wait for tomorrow, it's the last time the contestants sing for us!' 

When I got back I just laid down on the sofa. I didn't really do much, It was nearly time for food, so i made myself a chicken, tomato and pasta meal and sat in front of the television and watched Football. I was getting thousands of notifications on twitter replying to my tweet, but I resisted from replying. they can all find out on Saturday!

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