Deja vu?

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This part is dedicated to a friend I've met through wattpad. She's really cheered me up this week, the things she has said to me has given me happy tears. Thank you so much Lucy! Thank you for listening to my rants, and thoughts. Its what I really needed. She's helped me have confidence in myself. Given me amazing feed back about my story, and about my personal life! You should really check out her stories! they are damn good! 

Lucy's P.O.V.

It was just like my dream, chairs bunched in little group around the room. 10 small groups, 10 different contestants for the competition. I could feel someone staring at me, I looked at my little god-daughter, her innocent eyes looked up at me.

The tight blonde curls framed her face.'Scarlett-Rose' I tickled her underneath her chin; even though she was only 2 years old, I still wanted her to go through this experience with me. 

The room began to empty as one-by-one the contestants went and sung their heart out. One guy caught my eye. He looked just like Jack. I knew it wasn't but it just made me think of the past few months; and what I had been through with him. 

It was 3pm when I got called to the room. '0987 Lucy Devon'; Scarlett, Beth, Morgan and My mum gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen. We all got up and walked towards the Red door. Holding Scarlett's hand she raised her voice 'Auntie Lucy, I Love You.' My eyes began to fill with tears. 

'Good Luck' the rest of them chorused. I couldn't believe that they finally believed in me! I made my way into the room; the room that could change my life.

At the front was a long desk which sat 3 judges. I didn't recognise any of them, so they couldn't have been celebrity judges. All wearing 'names badges': Andrew; Jade; and Leona.

I began to Sing 'Turn Your Face' by Little Mix. 

'In my memory, all the small things, like daggers in my mind...'

3 and a half minutes passed and my performance was over. So happy it was different to my dream. I felt as though I could have done better, but it was a good performance! All the Judges noted something down on their pads of paper, Looked at each other, and began to give me some feedback.

The man named Andrew spoke first. 'You have a good voice; but you could make it better if you worked on your breathing. I think it was just the nerves, but well done.'

The other two judges said things relatively the same. 'Thank you' I said nodding my head and leaving the room. I hoped I had done enough! This could be me only chance to try and do music as a carer!!

Scarlett was the first to greet me when I came out of the room. 'Auntie Lucy, never leave me again' 

'I won't Baby Boo, I promise' 

'How was it?' Morgan asked.

'It was good. A lot better than the bad dream I had a few weeks ago. I feel as though I have done better before. They said I needed to work on my breathing, so if I get through to the final 3 I need to practice my breathing techniques and what not.'

We carried on chatting for a while and then went back to the hotel and Beth, Morgan and myself all took Scarlett to the swimming pool, while mum had a sleep. We all swam for three and a half hours and then finally got out and went out for tea. 


I woke up to a Wonderful Sunday morning. My first thought was 'Tonight i find out if i am in the Top 3!'   

'What are the plans for today then Lucy?' Beth shouted to me from across the room.   

'ITS SHOPPING TIME!' I shouted. 'We're going to take a trip to the Westfield Shopping Centre. This may be your only visit to London for a long time, so lets go spoil ourselves!'  We all got out of bed, sent mum on a spa day to relax and us girls took Scarlett shopping.   

A few hours passed and we were all shopped out! We spoiled Scarlett rotten! Beth was forever buying new dresses and shoes for her holidays in the summer! I think she bought nine all together!!; Morgan bought a few little gifts for people at home. I was the only one who came bacj empty handed!

We collected mum from the spa and went for a meal;just a little restaurant attached onto the hotel. All day the results were on my mind! Not a lot was said during the meal, especially about the competition results; I could feel people wanting to say something about it but I just didn't want to talk about it.   It was just passed 7pm, and I had to be back at the venue for 8pm. We paid for our meal and left to walk to the venue receive my results! The walk to felt longer than it was yesterday morning!   

When we arrived after 45 minutes of walking, Scarlett could not stand up and was practically falling asleep, so I picked her up and leaned her over my shoulder to fall asleep.   

It was 8pm. It was time. All the finalists lined up against the wall ready to walk in to greet the judges. 'Contestants the judges are ready, please enter.' The lady said. Not a word was said until the first judge spoke: Andrew.

'I would just like to say, well done to you all for getting this far in the first place!  You should all be proud of yourself! The three we have chosen to go through have gone through because of the quality of their voice, their stage presence and the entertainment ability.' He gave quick a speech.  'So the top three people are…' there was a pause 'Jessica Johnson' there was a scream coming from the other end of the line.

Jade raised her voice 'the second contestant through is… David Smith'   

That was it. I wasn't through. Jessica and David were amazing singers when I heard them practicing in the green room. They were so much better than me! Finally Jade spoke up. 'The final contestant is…' there was an extra long pause. 'Lucy Devon'   

I could not feel a single bone in my body. I fell to my knees! 'Thank you so much!' Looking down the line at all the disappointed faces I mouthed 'well done guys' I got a few smiles and nods of heads back but most of them were extremely upset and I was the last person they wanted to look at right now.   I ran off the stage and into the green room.

'I DID IT!' Scarlett ran towards me, I picked her up and spun her round. My mum woke her up when Jessica came back into the green room.  I put Scarlett down and Morgan and Beth gave me a group hug. 'We're so proud of you' they chorused. Finally my mum, in tears. 'I can't believe I never had faith in you and that you could do something like this! I'm so sorry. Your father will be so proud of you!' She hugged me so tight it felt like I was going to explode!   

I rang my grand-parents to tell them the news. They didn't even know I had entered a competition!

I began thinking again. If I was in the top 3, that meant I had to stay in London for the week? We had booked into the hotel for tomorrow morning. But that wasn't going to be long enough.

When we got back to the hotel, Scarlett went straight to sleep, and Beth and Morgan made their way to their rooms.

I sat on the sofa with my mum. 'What am I going to do mum? You and the girls have to go back to Sheffield tomorrow! I can't cope being on my own. Plus we have to check out of the hotel tomorrow morning!' She looked at me a let out a tiny smile.  

'Well yes, me and the girls will have to go back, we've got work and college! But I'm sure you'll cope. A few days to yourself will do you good! You'll be able to relax. You can always Skype up if you need us' a smile broke out across my face.   

'thank you. Well I'm going to pack my bags and then go to bed. Good night mum, Love You'   

'Love you too Lucy!'    

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