That one question?

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Hey guys! So this is the second to last chapter of this story. After the last update there will be more information on the sequel, etc.

Enjoy <3

Niall's P.O.V.

Lucy was always on my mind. The train was coming up to the end of the journey when the ticket conductor came up to me for a picture. "Are you performing tonight?" I nodded. "Well I'm taking my daughter tonight, although she isn't very well at the moment so she is in her bed, at home." I could see his smile turn upside down.

"Whats her name?" I asked starting conversation. 

"Gemma." His smile slowly regained its appearance.

"Well I hope she gets better soon! we need all our fans at our shows." I explained.

"well, the doctors don't think she will get any better anytime soon.  She's got cystic fibrosis and has only just been released from hospital." His smile disappeared again. 

"I'm sorry. Can I ask," I took a breathe, "how old is she?"

"Gem's 18. So she's doing well to be honest. The doctors didn't think she would live beyond 12. We are so proud of her. She loves singing and she is pretty good in all honesty I just wish she had the confidence to show it."

My heart was in my mouth. 18. 18 years old. "Hey..." I took a glance at his name tag, "Graham," he looked down at his tag, "How about after the performance tonight, you bring Gemma to the back to us. We will stick around to make sure we see you." I reached for my note pad, and wrote "Permission for access of Graham and Gemma to come back stage. See Niall is have any questions. Thanks Niall Horan." I folded the note and placed it in Graham's hand. 

"Wow. Thank you so much! This will mean the world to her!"


When I arrived at the arena, I informed the head manager of the backstage area about Graham and Gemma. I indicated to him that it was important they had access. 

I ran around the arena to find the boys, but I was unsuccessful; so I found Lou instead. As I ran towards her, her arms protected her face and gave out a cheeky smile. "Ni!" she screamed. 

I jumped on her and wrapped my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist. "hello to you too!" I smirked. I ruffled up her hair just to get back at her for not saying hello. 

"Oii!"her scream pierced my ears. "get off of me!"

I grunted and follow her instructions. "Love you Lou". I ran away from her before she could bully me. 

I eventually bumped into Zayn. "Yo! I've been looking for you!"

"Have you? well I heard faint screams of, well I think it was Lou. so I was coming to see what was happening." His expression was concerned.

"Well don't worry, we were just messing around." I reassured him. "Where are the rest of the boys? are we getting on with this sound check or what?" He nodded in response as he lead me to the boys. 

Lucy and El joined us after our sound check. We wanted to venture out of the arena and decided to get a pizza. A few security men came with us and ordered pizza's too. As usual, it wasn't too long before people recognized us. The owner of the pizza takeaway shop closed its doors while we waited for our pizza; which we then gave an extra 'tip' when we left.

Our walk back to the arena was interesting. Security at the arena had made a  pathway for us to walk and secured all the fans behind barriers. I hated seeing fans restricted but on the other hand I didn't want to be attacked by obsessed fans! 

I laughed to myself at the funny thought of a fan climbing over the barrier and jumping on one of us. 

Back in our dressing room, we opened all our pizza boxes on two of the tables and got stuck into our food. I didn't hold back as usual. After Lou was finished with her pizza she went to her dressing room with Liam as he had finished first' we all followed after each other. 

Lucy and El stayed in Lou's dressing room while she was getting ready us ready. They did love a good gossip those girls! 


The time had come, The time to face the crowd. The 5 second of summer boys just came of stage and had just zoomed straight past us to get to their dressing room. They seemed to really 'warm up the crowd' tonight. The thought of the UK leg of the tour coming to an end, made me all emotional. 

I caught sight of my girl just before I went of stage. "Good Luck babe!" she ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck as she pecked me on the lips. "I love you." she whispered. 

"I love you more Lu!" and with a smile I had to run to my position to jump on stage. 


The time had come, the show had finished and we were expecting Graham and Gemma. I gathered the boys into one room, along with Lou, Beth and El. "Remember, her name is Gemma and her dad is called Graham." I finally informed them. 

I exited the room to find the 'head manager' of the backstage area; but on my way I caught sight of a farmiliar gentleman; it was Graham. In front of him, he pushed a young brunette; with her frame positioned in a black, wheelchair. As they came closer, I noticed her outfit; a trendy 'One Direction' tour top, black skinny jeans and small ankle boots. Her hair rested on her shoulder blades, the slight waves knotted and un-tidy, with a 'flower crown' placed on the top of her head. 

As She caught sight of my boring figure her frail hands lifted to her face. "Oh my" I heard her shy voice whisper into her enclosed hands. 

"Gem?" I asked. Her hands moved away from her gorgeous face to reveal her beautiful smile. She nodded. "Hello darling." I moved towards her and wrapped my arms around her frame. As I released her, I stood back straight and shook Graham's hand. "Hello mate."

"Good to see you again." his firm, protective voice let out. 

"Like wise." I replied. "Follow me, I've got some people who want to meet you." as we walked towards the dressing room where everyone was gathered, Slight voices could be heard. I nodded repeatedly on the door. 

"Come in." Two Yorkshire voices sounded as the door opened. 

"Hello everyone. This is Gemma," I indicate to her as the came through the door, "and this is Graham, her father."

Gemma was shocked. At the beginning, not many words escaped her mouth, but during her time with us, she calmed down; she got the chance to talk to everyone. She recognized my Darling Lucy, and spoke to her for ages. There was a small connection that was growing between them; There were small thoughts in my mind of 'hopefully we can stay in touch with Gemma?''. 


It got to around 11:30 and yet again the arena staff had told us that we had to begin to remove ourselves from the venue. We said our goodbyes to Gemma and her father, and had a group photo. We all gave Gem a follow on twitter, and I gave her Lucy's personal email address so they could keep in contact. After they left, The atmosphere dropped; everyone could tell that someone was missing from the group. We all bonded so well with Gem and Graham, it felt strange without them present. 

Luckily, everyone's bags were already packed and ready to go, so we loaded the bus and headed to our hotel. 

I was unsettled that night. I laid next to Lucy, her eyes closed as she drifted into her deep sleep. One this lingered on my mind. How was I going to ask her? Ask her that one question?

OOOOOOHHHH. Comment, Vote & Follow <3

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