Harry told me once

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Hey guyyss!!

Enjoy <3

Lucy's P.O.V.

Camryn and 5SOS had just performed their set and they were amazing. Niall had sent me their songs before so I kind of knew the words.

We weren't in the crowd because security didn't think we'd be safe. By 'we' I mean, Perrie, El, Jess, Beth and myself. Security booked us a V.I.P box at the top row of the arena. We were just having a few drinks except El and I. I'm not a huge drinker and El wasn't feeling too good, so we stuck to the water.

I could tell that things were getting a little tense between Beth and Jess. I didn't ignore her totally, I spoke to her when I needed to, but Beth just wasn't in the mood to talk to her. To break the tension the arena lights switch off, the crowds roared and the boys appeared.

"It feels like we've been livin' in fast forward" Liam sang his heart out. It must be nerve racking to know that out of the whole band you're the one to sing first. We all sang our hearts out to the lyrics of their songs.

A few songs in, and Jade, Leigh-Anne, and Jesy, from Little Mix joined our mini party. I'd never met them before so it was a nice surprise to see them; apart from that we didn't really get to talk alot because of all the singing.

3 songs in: Heart attack. I could keep hearing little comments on the song coming from my side. I looked to my right to see it was Jess. I just brushed them off thinking she would stop after a while. She didn't.

More Than This. "This is for our gorgeous Girls who are here tonight." Liam was so cute. He moved his eyes all around the arena so that he wouldn't make it obvious which box we were in. "I'm broken..." My eyes started welling up through out the song.

"Oh please. can you not. They are only singing."

"Excuse me?" I turned to face Jess.

"They are only singing a song. You don't really think Liam meant that did you? He will only be saying it to gain fans. thinking hes such a ladies man, and thinking that he's a cutie pie."

"You have no idea Jess. I am not going to let you ruin my night. You have no right to comment on my emotions. So keep your trap shut." I could feel myself getting all worked up and angry. Why would she say something like that?

Jess's P.O.V.

They don't really think the boys mean it do they? they are so stupid! What if I caused a scene and then It got in the tabloid? I could split the boys from their girls. I could split up One Direction. Harry would stick by me. I just have to make the story believable.

I kept making small comments to aggravate the rest of the girls. To be honest I'm not a fan of One Direction, I just do it for the publicity. Think of my career after this. Lucy even fell for my charm at the gig the other night. Oh she's so wrong.

Half way through their set, they sang 'moments'. I know it means alot to Beth, Harry told me once.

Harry got to his lyrics, "if we could onlt have this life for one more day, If we could only turn back time.."

Beth's eye's began to fill with tears. "Can you please not cry over them Beth? they are only lyrics."

The next minute her fist came straight for my face. She had a damn good punch on her and damn it hurt.

The right side of my face began to tingle with pain. "You Bitch!" I screamed at her. "Just you wait until I tell Harry about this!"

She ruined my lime light. I was going to swing for her. She obviously beat me too it.

I was debating whether to retaliate, but I left it. Fans would feel sorry for me. Beth will get the hate. It all worked in my favour. I walked out of the box and got some ice for my swollen face and made my way to First Aid.

Beth's P.O.V.

The anger was boiling up inside me. Her stupid little comments.

Once I had hit her I felt better for a few seconds, but then I began to realize what I had done. When Jess left the room I sat Lucy down. "Lucy I am so sorry!" I began to let the tears stream down my cheeks. "You're going to get hate, and people are going to feel sorry for her and back her up and hate you and me-"

"Beth, don't worry about it. We can back you up with the truth. We saw what really happened." Jade's voice rose. I turned my face to her direction. She wiped the tears away from my eyes with her gentle thumbs.

"Thank you so much Girls. I'm sorry I ruined the show for you all."

"Don't be" Perrie comforted me. "If you hadn't smacked her, I would have done it!" we laughed together. We got back up and enjoyed the rest of the show. or that's what we thought.

The 'Kiss You' introduction began to ring and we all got up and danced. We all knew the moves and It was brilliant. One of the highlights of the show so far. Right at the end, When Harry sang "and let me Kiss You" I turned to the closes person to me and kissed them on the cheek, just like Zayn does in the video. It happened to be El, that I kissed.

"Guys, I don't want to ruin your fun any more, but I think I'm going to go home. I really can't be here anymore. I feel like I am going to throw up."

"I'll come with you El, I don't want you going on your own." I felt bad for kissing her cheek now.

"Don't be daft Beth, we'll all come with you. We are not just going to leave you to go home on your own. I will text Lou and tell her to tell the boys when they get off stage" Lucy took her phone out of her pocket, and began to tap the keys like there was no tomorrow.

Just as we were leaving the room, the colour from El's face washed out into a pale white. "I really need to sit down." we sat her on the corridor floor until security brought a chair. Security were blocking off the fans from seeing El in this state and to keep her safe. The last thing we wanted was for this to be all over twitter.

The paramedics came and took El to the ambulance and Perrie travelled with her. When I knew Lou had recieved Lucy's text, we all jumped in the mini tour bus and drove to the hospital.

I ran straight to the help desk. "Hello, our friend Eleanor Calder was just rushed in."

"I'm sorry darling, we don't have her on our system." she looked at me feeling guilty.

Surely we haven't beaten the ambulance? I dialled Perrie's number to see where they were. Just as I put my phone to my ear, a nurse came over to Lucy. "are you Lucy Devon and Beth, and the little mix girls?" I nodded. "You better follow me."

We all rushed behind her as she took us to a private room away from everyone else. When we walked into the room I saw El looking dis-heartened. "Are you ok El?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I feel bad for making all you guys come with me! and I hate being in private rooms. I am just a normal person, like everybody else. Just because I'm dating Louis doesn't mean I need to get the special treatment." the tension was high in the room. No-one wanted to say anything but the doctor re-entered the room to break the silence.

"Can I ask you to step outside, I need to talk to Miss Calder alone."

"Please can someone stay with me?" the nurse nodded. El looked straight at Lucy and a small smile grew on her face.

Lucy's P.O.V.

Everyone exited the room as I stood there awkwardly. The nurse ushered me to sit down. She made her way round to the other side of Eleanor's bed.

"Miss Calder-"

"Please call me El."

"Good, I hate calling people my their surname, I know its professional and everything but-" She realized she was rambling so she got straight to the point. "We've monitored you for around 30 minutes. and we have noticed that your blood sugar is extremely high for the situation you are in. We need to keep you in hospital over night, you may want your boyfriend, Louis is it?" she nodded in agreement. "to come and see you or even spend the night here. We will run a few more tests, and then give you the results in a weeks time. If you need anything else press the assistance button on the side of your bed and call for Janet, that's me" She smiled as we all agreed that it wasn't too bad.

Just as the nurse was about to exit her door, she turned around. "By the way, your baby is very healthy."


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