The secrets really out!

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OMFG!!!! I SAW THE BOYS LAST NIGHT!!!! It was the best night of my life! Spent it with my bestie! despite her fangirling so much that she nearly hit me in the face! hehe Love ya Beth! I just can't explain how much I love them! never thought I could love 5 lads so much! Any way I could type for ever about them.... but i'm not going to.... haha.

This chapter is my first dedication and its to My Bestie, Beth! her stories are amazing! 'Forever and always', Her Harry Styles fan fic is just amazing! It's definitely worth a read! 

Lucy's P.O.V.

Raising my head to familiarize myself with my clock, I hit the snooze button. 7:30am. I forgot to turn my alarm off last night after giving my mum the letter... which she still had. My mind started to drift back off to sleep.

David's (Dad's) Prov

Up for my shift for work I walked past Lucy's bedroom door; when I stood on something. On the floor was an envelope sticking out of the bottom of Lucy's door. I reached down and slid it from under the door. My eyes skimmed the first 2 sentences. '...You are in the top 10'

I walked into the kitchen to be greeted my Mandy.

'Mandy. Can I ask you something. Did you know that out daughter had entered a competition.' I softly asked.

'Erm... Well I'm guessing she's told you; but yes I did. She told me yesterday.' She replied.

I felt let down; as though my own daughter could not even trust me. I slammed the letter down on the table. 'So you also knew she was In the top 10!' Mandy's eyes just starred at me. I felt bad for shouting at her but I was so angry!

How could my daughter do something as big as this and not even tell her own father! I ran up the stairs and returned the letter to where I found it, trying not to stand on the creaky floor boards outside Lucy's bedroom door.

Oliver's P.O.V.

'Mum' I paused. 'Am I hearing this right? Lucy has entered a competition to sing with One Direction!' I couldn't help myself but laugh. My sister can't sing!

I Just had to tell someone. I unlocked my phone and signed into twitter. 'My sister has entered a competition to sing with One Direction. What a Joke!' Hitting the blue 'send tweet' button.

A few hours later i heard my sister come down the stairs. 'Good Morning' she mumbled. 'Where's Dad?' She continued asking.

'Work' Mum replied.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I sat at the kitchen table with my unsociable family. 'So mum, I'm sorry about last night. I know i have already said but oh well; and thanks for, erm..' I motioned the letter being slided under the door.

She gave me a tiny smile. Oliver lifted his head, 'So, Lucy' There was a short pause. 'How's college?'

I was shocked at why he was asking me these things. He was acting very weird. Something had to be up with him! 'Its OK thanks. But of course you wouldn't know; you didn't go to college' I left it at that and ate my cereal. It was about 10:30am and I had just had breakfast. I ran back upstairs and loaded up my laptop to do my college work.

My mind started to think about the competition. The 2nd of February was only 6 weeks away. I delayed my college work and loaded up twitter and FaceBook. My twitter time-line was not very exciting. except I saw one tweet. 'My sister has entered a competition to sing with One Direction. What a Joke!' I know someone else who is doing the same competition as me. They were not very nice to their sister! I looked to see who tweeted it. Oliver.

It broke me. I knew he didn't believe in me, non of my family did; but to see him put that was hurtful. I was going to tweet about me doing the competition but I didn't feel up to it after seeing what my brother thought! I turned over and placed my laptop on the floor.

I sank my head deep into my pillow; a tear escaped from my eye. A vibrations from my phone stopped me from crying. It was Jack.

JACK: Please. Lucy. I know what you saw was not nice, but I don't want Katie, I want you. She is nothing to me. Seeing you yesterday made e realize how much I missed you! I' sorry for what you walked in on yesterday. I am really sorry. Me and Katie are over now. I just want you back. I still love you. I always will..... xo

I just starred at that last sentence. I knew it was too late for him. It was really over; he really knew how to persuade me to take him back. I scrolled down to reply.

ME: Jack. You had ruined my life. I cannot trust anyone ever again. We have been distant for a while. We never nearly talked; and when we did you wanted to talk 24/7. It just wasn't working anyway. I'm glad i walked in on you and Katie yesterday; it made me see the real you! Sorry not sorry....

I blocked his number from my phone and deleted him from my life for good!

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