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Lucy's P.O.V

The morning of boxing day had arrived. Not having much sleep I crawled out of bed reaching for the letter. I re-read the letter. 'this could not be happening. it must be a dream. nothing this amazing happens to me' I kept thinking over and over again. It hit me how lucky I really am, 100's and thousand's of people had applied for this competition and I was in the top 10! 

I reached for my phone off my bed side table. Scrolled though my contacts and made a group text with Beth and Morgan. My fingers began to type....

**Text Message Conversation**

ME: 'Merry Boxing Day. I need to meet up with you like.. NOW. Think I'm gunna have a nervous break down! I need you both!!'

BETH: Merry Boxing Day to you too :) as much as I want to meet up, I'm going to my grandma's house in an hour. It is only 10am Lucy. I bet Morgan isn't even awake. Whats up anyway? xox

ME: haha. I wanna tell you in person rather than over text. Its ok, it was silly off me even wanting to meet up today. It can wait till tomorrow. Can I meet you both at the park at 1pm? xox

MORAN: Hellooo:) I'm going out for a meal today.... and yes Beth I am awake cheeky! I will meet you tomorrow at the park thought Luce. I've got to go now babe. Going to Jess's to get ready for tonight. xox

BETH: Yes thats fine Lucy. Have a good day/evening meal Morgan. See you both tomorrow love you's xox

ME: Love you both too xox

**End Of Text Message**

All morning I did not let that letter out of my sight. I couldn't risk my parents or Oliver seeing it.  But walking downstairs with a letter in my hand is a bit crazy.... so I slotted it into my bedside drawers. This is the moment I need a safe to keep things locked up! 

Beth's Prov.

*Buzz Buzz* One new text message. Lucy. Reading the message I started to worry about her. what could be so important? I can't see her now, i'm going out to a family members house! its boxing day for goodness sake! After a while we all decided to meet tomorrow. 

Throughout the rest of the day I was worrying about Lucy. I'm tunring into her nan; worrying about everything! Could it be her dad? he's not well? her nan? shes not well either? I hate it when she does this to me! 


I came home from my grandparents' house and another text from Luce. 

Lucy: Can't wait till tomorrow. It's not not bad news... it is good news. I just want to tell you in person! xox

Me: Good. I have been worrying about you all day. Love you Lucy xox

Lucy: Love you too Beth xox

Turning all the lights off in my bedroom, I pulled the quilt over my head, shut my eyes.

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