Love you to the moon and back.

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Early update but this is just a filler chapter.

Enjoy <3

Niall's P.O.V.

So tonight was the first of our gig's that Lucy and Beth will have watched. I'm kind of happy in a sense because, all five of the girls are going to be able to
have some quality girly time together. I think with the whole Harry and Jessica situation, the girls need to sort out their differences. 

I didn't want to get out of bed, I was way too comfy. I rolled over to the sight of m beautiful girlfriend laid there; so innocent. If anything ever happened to her I think I'd loose the plot. I brushed her blonde locks out of her eyes and pushed it behind her ear. Her eyes flickered. "Sorry did I wake you?"

"No, I was pretending. Its so relaxing, you playing with my hair." I smiled as she shut her eyes. 

After lying there for what seemed five minutes, I looked at the clock on the nightstand, on her side of the bed. It read '12:30pm'. "Shit." Lucy's eyes shot open.

"Whats up?" her worried voice was so cute.

"We should have checked out of the hotel half an hour ago. We need to get ready and set off for Dublin."

"Babe, I go us all a late check out for 1:30. Don't worry. You go wake the rest of the boys up, and I'll begin to get ready." I planted a kiss on her soft lips as a thank you. I scrambled out of bed and threw on some baggy tracksuit bottoms and a vest top. I walked out of our room, picking up our key card on the way out. 

I knocked on Louis's room first. A worst for wear Louis answered the door. "You O.K. mate?" I asked him. 

"Not really, El has been up since 9 this morning throwing up. I'm really worried about her."

"Don't worry mate, The girls will look after her today. Anyway, we've got an hour until we're checking out. take your time don't worry." Louis smiled and nodded and I closed the door to go awake the rest of the boys. They didn't seem very happy with me. All looking a little rough. 

I used my key card to re-enter our bed room, knowing Lucy wouldn't want me to interrupt her morning making routine. "All the boys are awake and getting ready. Luce," her head turned, "can you do my a favour today?" she nodded applying lipstick, not allowing her to move her mouth. "can you look after El?"

It took a while for her to reply, she rubbed her lips together, check them over in the mirror before she spoke. "Of course, is she ok? whats a matter?" 

"Louis has been up with her for a few hours being sick and he needs to concentrate on tonight's gig. So can you make sure she's OK while were not with you five girls?" She nodded turning back to the mirror to fix her hair. 

Once we had checked out of our hotel, we all clambered into our tour bus again and headed to the venue. 

Lucy and myself got some alone time in the bus, and the never happens. We went a laid down on the mini sofas; and we had one of our deep discussions talking about our life's, where we've come from a few weeks ago, how our lives have changed. 

"what do you want in the future?" her innocent face looked up to me. I took a few second to reply. 

"Well. I hope I'll still be with the boys, as this is just the best. I, fingers crossed, hope I'm still alive to see the world change." I could see in her eyes that it was not the answer she was hoping for. "O.K. then. I want to grow old, with the woman I love, have children, grandchildren in fact. Have our own little family. Even a little puppy, maybe, or is that pushing it." we laughed together.

"Me too. I want to grow old with my handsome, Irish prince." She planted a kiss on my lips. Slowly getting deeper and more passionate. We we're interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in" I shouted pressing my lips on hers for one last time. 

"Oh have we interrupted something? we can leave if you would like" Liam spoke. I looked behind him and there stood Beth. 

"Well yes your have, but it doesn't matter. Come in" A guilty smile spread on there faces. Liam sat himself to the side of me and Beth to Lucy's side. "Game of Fifa Liam?"

"Why not!" he exclaimed. We sat and played on fifa for a full game, and the girls sat and talked. They hadn't seen much of each-other while they've been on the tour. I feel a little bad because I seem to be taking her best friend away from her. 

 After we played a full game, our names were being called. "LIAM! NIALL! SOUND CHECK CALLS US!" Zayn's Bradford accent shouts from the other side of the bus. 

"We'll be back later girls. Go find the others If you would like, they've upstairs with El." we left the bus and went for our sound check. 

Lucy's P.O.V.

While the boys were in sound check, Beth and myself went up to the top of the tour bus to meet Perrie, Jess and El.

We sat and talked about how the 'Take Me Home' tour was going, as El and Perrie had joined the boys most of the way. 

When the conversation was drying up, I called El over to my side. She cam and sat next to me. Her lifeless eyes looking into mine. "El. Come with me a minute, I want to show you something."  She lifted her brute body up from the sofa and followed my lead into the next room. 

"El. Whats up hunny. I'm really worried about you, and so are Louis and Niall."

She sat her body on the chair seat opposite me. "I don't know. I just feel so down, drained, lifeless. I love Louis to bits and I want to support him, but sometimes I feel like I'm in the way; getting him down all the time."

It took me by surprise the words that left her mouth. "Don't think like that El! Louis loves you to the moon and back. With you not being well, he just wants to do right by you and look after you, check your alright. You aren't getting him down, don't worry. If you want to go home and leave us, you can. honestly." her head lifted in panic.

"Oh no. No. No. I don't want to go home. I love being on tour with the boys. Its just an amazing experience. I wouldn't change it for the world." our heart to heart chat continued for a little longer until I heard a familiar voice. 

"El where have you gone? Lucy what have you done with her?" Perrie opened the connecting door and starred us. We couldn't help the laughed we burst out into. 

"I haven't kidnapped her don't worry. We're here, all nice and safe." Perrie replied with a 'good' and we all re-grouped on the sofas. 

We went to Nando's surprise surprise with the 'gang' for out tea after the boys had finished their sound check. We sat in our usual seating plan, this time Louis and El were next to Niall and myself. All through-out the meal. Louis eyes were filled with worry. 

I text Louis. 

To Lou Bear

El says she feels she's letting you down and dragging you down because she doesn't feel well. I didn't want to say this infront of her because she may feel 'put on the spot'. I said she could go home if she wanted and she refused. Being on the tour helps her. She feels better in herself knowing that she's here supporting you. Anyway, enjoy your fooood! xox

I kept my phone out for a little longer until Louis had received his text; didn't want to make it obvious did I?

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