Make Memories

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Niall's P.O.V.

The next day

The doctors wanted to keep Lucy in the hospital over night to check there was nothing major to worry about. Last night on the way to the hospital she fell asleep all the way and didn't wake up until 5:45 this morning. She really did worry me.

I never left her side. My fingers intertwined with hers, placed by her side. In the middle of the night I pulled the chair closer to the bed, I wanted her to know that I was close, that I would never leave her. For the little sleep I collected, it was uncomfortable.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I woke to the sound of quiet voices and beeping noises. As I looked around, a familiar surrounding was recognised. White walls, brown wooden doors, white bedding. The comforting touch of fingers intertwined with mine, A blonde bomb shell, resting his head on the side of the bed. Looking over to the white washed walls, looking at the clock, 5:45.

I squeezed the hand interlocked with mine, "Niall, baby?". His words slurred. "What's that babe?"

"Let me sleep. I'm tired!" His head moved and his free hand covered his eyes from the light. He mumbled some more words.he confuses me that boy.

"I know you probably haven't had any sleep, but I'm bored." I rubbed his head with my spare hand, our other hands still interlocked.

His eyes squinted has he attempted to open them. He reached for his bag, retrieving his IPad. "Here." He handed it to me, "take some selfies, embarrassing pics of us while I'm asleep, make memories. I need to sleep!!"

I swiped the front to unlock, "Niall, you have a password" he lifted his arm, typing in some numbers while I looked in the opposite direction. "Thanks babe, I won't disturb you anymore." I kissed the top of his head. "Ewww." I said in disgust, removing the hairs from my mouth. A small giggle came from Underneath the mop of hair. "Not funny Horan"

Time soon passed, it was now 8:00am, and Niall was just in my hospital room's bathroom. I took plenty of selfies and embarrassing pictures while he was asleep. I reached over to the bed-side table and collected my skittles. I think I'm slowly growing an addiction for these sweets; but only the 'Skittles-confused'. They are the best.

The nurse notified me that I could be discharged from hospital in an hour so I began to pack Niall's bag and get my clothes back together. After Niall was finished in the bathroom getting ready, I went to get dressed. "I put all your stuff back in your bag," I spoke as we changed places. "I won't be long, I don't take as long as you" I teased giving him a peck on the lips.

I rinsed my face with warm water, brushed my teeth, and styled my hair into a side-fish tail braid; pulling pieces to make it a little looser. Nothing spectacular was happening today, Niall was meeting the boys to go back to Manchester. Three days until we are all back in Sheffield!

I heard Niall talking on the phone as I re-entered the hospital room, "yep, well we won't be too long, Lucy is just getting ready," he turned around, "oh, she's here actually, she's just finished. So we definitely won't be long, just going to sign out." There was a short pause, "ok meet you there!"

"The boys?" I asked.

"Yep," he replied popping the 'P'. "Going to meet them back at the hotel. Steve is coming to pick us up, he'll be 10 minutes." He opened his arms, inviting me for a hug. He rocked our bodies from side to side. "I'm glad your ok! I was worried when a fan told me!"

"What? A fan told you?" He nodded his reply. "I need to find out who it was!" I grabbed my phone off the bed side table and uploaded twitter.

@lucydevon: I need to find out who was at the comic relief gig last night and. Find out who told Niall about my incident? Please help me!

"What you doing babe?" Niall's innocent voice sounded a little confused.

"I'm trying to find out who found you yesterday to tell you about what happened." I replied.

"I have an idea," he paused while I looked at him. "There are plenty of fan twitter accounts that post pictures, they will have the picture and will tag the person in it..... If that makes sense."

"Yep." Copying his accent. "Thank you babe. You are always full of ideas!" Pecking his lips once more before grabbing our bags and exiting the room. We signed the papers to say i could be discharged, and ran to the car where Steve was meeting us. Luckily, the hospital had stopped fans from waiting outside the hospital.

Once we got back to the hotel where the boys were, they got their bags packed and I went to go meet my mum and the rest of the 'gang'. Around an hour later, we were already to leave. The boys headed for the tour bus, while El, Perrie and the rest of the little mix girls made their way home. Morgan phoned for a taxi to take us to the train station as there wasn't enough room in the car to drive home; mum, dad and Oliver headed for the car while is girls waited for the taxi. We all said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways.

I sent the same message to everyone, 'see you all at the Sheffield gig in 3 days. Love ya <3'

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