Niall's open arms

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Hey guys! so I started back at college this week so updates are just going to be when I'm available to write. which shouldn't be too bad if I get my work over and done with as soon as possible. 

Hope you enjoy this cappie!

Love ya'll 


Beth's P.O.V.

When I saw them a smile grew on my frozen rosey face. Lucy's facial expression kept changing, confused, scared, worried. But finaly she realized one person. His curl brown locks escaped from the protection of his coat 'hud' and perfectly framed his face. "Harry!?" a laugh escaped his mouth; as he did so a cloud of warm air appeared. "Are you being serious!"

"What? I didn't throw it! It was..."

"MEE!!!" an Irish Accent burst from the other figure. The hud fell from his head revealing the Beautifully structured blonde quiff. Niall's smile grew and grew as he stepped closer to Lucy. "Hello stranger!"

Lucy jumped from the bottom of the slide and ran towards Niall's open arms to welcome her with a hug. "I've missed you so much, It's unreal!" She spoke into his chest. Niall's chin rested on the crown of Lucy's head.

"I've missed you to baby. But I'm here now." Niall closed his eyes and treasured that moment forever.

Meanwhile, Harry came and gave me a friendly and sat next to me on the slide. "Hello, you must be Beth. Lucy has spoke alot about you to Niall. She's really grateful of you, you know?" The smile on our faces enlarged.

"Does she? Oh; well I'm going to have to make her stop that." I pulled a winking face at Harry. "Although, I suppose that being talked about to THE One Direction is O.K.!" I let out a little giggle.

"I don't mind you being talked about to us either!... I mean- erm, Its good to know, erm, that Lucy has someone to - like- support her, and stuff." Harry's face went a brighter shade of red than it already was; I didn't think that was possible. I glazed into his eyes and we smiled. "Hey, love birds, are we going to have a snow ball fight or what??"

"Of Course" Niall and Lucy chorused. "Girls against boys or couples against couples?"

"Couples?!" Lucy shot a confused look in my direction. I mouthed 'I don't know'.

"Girls against boys." I perked up to break the awkward silence. Harry stood up, grabbed my hand and help my to my feet. "Thanks" I whispered looking into his perfectly coloured eyes. Lucy ran over to me, loosing grip with Niall's hand. She grabbed me around my waist.

"Did you invite them?" I nodded. "and the couples? what? you and Harry??"

"No we've only just met. I suppose he said it so we didn't feel left out." I guess I did like the idea of couples; but it is still early days yet. Plenty of time ahead of us.

Niall and Harry ran off to go hide from us as we ran in the opposite direction. We found a wall where we could stay until they came looking for us. We made a pile of snow balls ready for when they arrived.

We finished our snow ball fight about an hour later and then sat back on the park for a little while, clearing the snow from the bench and parking ourselves. "My hands are freezing now, and all my back is. Thank you very much Harry!"

"Well its not my fault you ran into me, so then I just had to tackle you to the floor!" He gave me one of his signature smiles. "Would you like my coat to keep you warm?" I smiled, to his 'yes please'. He removed his arms from his on trend winter coat and wrapped it around my back and shoulders. "Is that better?" I looked up to him.

"Yes, thank you." He placed his arm around me, placing his hand on my arm and rubbing it, to try and make me warm. I heard Lucy and Niall mention our names but just ignored them. They were still talking about tour.

I Lent against Harry's warm body for what seemed ages. We all got talking about the 'Take me home' World tour and Harry began talking about that when they go to America they'll be gone for two months. Niall's face dropped as we began talking about the long period of time that he'll be away from Lucy. "We can always Skype sweetie, don't worry. We can have all the girls round and have one big Skype call." Niall's smile soon returned.

Lucy and myself were now back at our hotel room, as the lads had to leave catch the train to Scotland for their 5 nights of shows up north. We ordered pizza from the restaurant within the hotel. "Today was so much fun, thank you Beth."

"don't thank me, it was Niall's idea. I really enjoyed it."

"He's the best. I'm sorry for what he said earlier about the who couples thin-"

"don't be, we have become really close, i'm beginning to see the real Harry. Not the out going or party performing Harry, but the sensible, caring Harry. I wish all the fans would see it too!"

"have you got a crush Miss Bethhanny?!" she nudged my arm with her elbow as my face changed to a different shade of red.  

Just at the right time, someone knocked on the door. "i'll go get it." I've never moved so fast. I opened the door to a handsome looking waiter, carrying 2 pizza boxes and a carrier bag.

"Margarita and chicken and mushroom pizzas, 2 tries and 2 bottles of pop."

"thank you" I sighed with relief. I took the boxes and the bag from him.

"add it to my room tab." Lucy shouted from behind me.

"I will do" the waiter replied and closed the door with my free hand. I placed the boxes on the bed where Lucy was perched and we dug in.

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