You are very lucky

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2 weeks later

Lucy's P.O.V

The past two weeks have been mental. Back and forth from Sheffield to London to the management offices, travelling for radio interviews, promoting my tour, choosing support acts, travelling to see family to tell them the news, introducing Niall to my mum and dad. That was a performance. 

As I am my dads only daughter he likes to protect me, so any guy isn't good enough for me. As much as he annoys me, I know he only wants the best for me, but sometimes I need to deal with situations on my own. However, dad did finally approve of Niall, even though we aren't officially together yet! 

The radio tour felt like I had travelled the whole United Kingdom, well I practically had! 19 radio stations in the space of 10 days was hard! But asking as it helps me in the long run I don't mind. I better get used to it. 

I remember going to The radio station in Birmingham, and after I had finished, I went outside and there were a little group of fans. A small, blonde hair girl- who reminded me of myself when I was younger- asked me for a picture with her. The other 5 or 6 girls in the group asked me too. I stopped and talked to them for a little while and followed them all on twitter. Just before I got told I had to leave, the young blonde girl, Mandy- I eventually discovered their names- gave me a letter to give to Niall. She spoke "Lucy , you are very lucky to have Niall. You two suit each other like Jelly and Ice-Cream. There are loads of girls who want to take Niall from you, but what ever you do stay strong with him. There are going to be hard times when he's touring and your not with him, but your fans will always keep you going" she also handed me a small teddy which said 'we love you Lucy' on it; tied to it's back was a small letter re-calling what she just said. 

"thank you so much girls. I will see you soon" my eyes began to fill with happy tears. We gave a group hug and left for the next city. That is one of the things I will always remember!

It's currently 5 days till the tour starts. I make my way to the 'Lantern Theatre' in Sheffield to have a stage rehearsal. When we arrive I felt comfortable. Carrying my guitar on my back and luggage bag in one hand I opened the main entrance door and entered. I walked through the reception area and into the main theatre. It was like something you'd see in a cute movie. I hope all the venues are this style!

I was talked through the process of the timings and support act information, and then I was set to rehearse my set. I started with covers, then a song I wrote when I was 13. I wrote it in school and called it 'speechless'; it's about how I thought I loved someone, then became speechless about my emotions. The original Lyrics were basic and you could tell that someone inexperienced had written them. Just before I went on the radio tour, I adjusted the lyrics to suit my life now. When I sang it, all the emotions hit me and I felt as though I was fighting back the tears. I sang the last line and took 5 minutes out of the rehearsals. I couldn't let this get to me every night. I finished off with a few more covers, Including the ones I had sang in the competition, I sang a call and response song, where I would sing a 'funny' line and they would recall it back and so on;

my second to last song was 'More Than This' it meant a lot to me as Niall sang it to me once before and I knew it meant a lot to him too. I yet again had to keep Strong and try not to cry. My final song was 'I Won't Give Up' as it was the song that won my the competition, It was the video that was posted by the boys on their social networking sites and was the video that the public knew me by. 

The rehearsals were over. I just wanted to get back to Niall who was browsing the shops at my local shopping centre. We all climbed into the car and arrived at the shopping centre. Perfect timing as my phone began ringing; it was my baby. I swiped across his name to awns-er the phone. 

"Hello baby" I screamed down the phone.

"Hello gorgeous. Where abouts are you? I have a surprise for you!" 

"hmm. Ok." I answered him in a confused manner. He does scramble my brain sometimes! 

"I'll meet you in 2 minutes. Bye babe"

I hung up the phone and made my way into the shopping centre. Within a matter of seconds I saw a tall, blonde figure walking towards me. His hair not in his usual quiff, but sweeped across his forehead; this was personally my favourite hair style on him. It definitely suits him. when we met I instantly wrapped my arms arms around his waist and his wrapped around my shoulders. I lifted my head and looked straight into his eyes. "Come on babe, need to give you your surprise" a wide smile spread across his face. 

We walked into a beautiful jewelery shop. "Reservation for Mr. Horan." He spoke to the assistant as she turned to the store cupboard. 

"Babe, what are you doing? what is this?" He looked at me with a cheeky grin. I could see it in his eyes he was being mischievous. I over looked the jewelery contained in the glass counter. 

A few moments later the assistant returned.  She handed a small box to Niall and I was intrigued to look inside. "Thank you lovely" Nialls Irish accent escaped his mouth. 

Niall walked me over to a purple fabric sofa in the corner of the shop. 

"Lucy. I know we've not known each other very long; and I'm sure you know lots about me and I know loads about you now; but I'd love to get to know you more. Here is a present to basically say that I will always be by your side, whether we're together or not. I'll always be in your heart and your always in mine. I cannot go a second of the day without thinking about you." I could feel my eyes filling up with tears. He opened the box containing a thin silver chain with a silver ring attached with the words 'I Love You' engraved. "I basically want to say I love you Lucy Kate Devon." 

He leant towards me and our lips crashed together moving in motion together. I didn't want to pull apart but I could feel a group of eyes on us. Taking a break from our deep kiss, I looked straight into his eyes. He motioned me to turn around; his arms came over my head, with the chain in hand as he pulled them together at the back on my heck to fasten the chain. I turned my head back round. "I Love You too Niall James Horan." Our lips connected again, but this time just a quick peck. 

I was correct, there were plenty of spectators within the shop looking at us. We exited the shop, Niall signing  a few things for some fans and made our way back to the car. I didn't want to go clothes shopping. I will go another day when we have more security now people know that Niall is in the area. 

I couldn't stop looking at my new addition to my neck on the ride home. It was beautiful; and those words meant alot to me especially coming from Niall. 


@LucyDevon: Love my present from my @NiallOfficial <3

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