This is mental!

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Lucy's P.O.V.

"Hello Boys, Hello Lucy." Simon spun around in his chair as soon as we entered the room. It was like something out of a movie!

"Hello Uncle Si," we all chorused. 

"Lovely to see you again Lucy." I smiled in reply. We have gathered you here today to discuss some music opportunities that have been arranged for you."

"First Si," Louis' voice trembled. "I need to tell you something. "I am going to be a father. El is expecting around the end of August. I know this might affect some of the arrangements, but I am not missing out on becoming a father. I love her to pieces." He took a breathe from his speech, not wanting anyone to interrupt him. 

The room was silent for a little while; that was until Simon spoke. "Well I suppose a congratulations is in order. I am so happy for you. As you know, there are many events that are happening this year. It may be a struggle but with the support from the boys and from us, everything will be fine. Is it possible to arrange a separate meeting with Eleanor and yourself on a later date?" Louis nodded in response. 

The meeting went on. Simon discussed the film premier, the tour, performances on 'Cominc relief' with their charity single, my tour, talked about his life and then he started again. "Now. Boys I know you have just finished the Comic Relief single, I wanted you to write with the team and Lucy to write some singles for Lucy's upcoming Album and charity single." 

Wait. WHAT? "Wait Simon... An Album? Charity Single? since when has this been discussed?" My face had fear written all over it. 

"Well now. That is what we are discussing. Around November, I would like you to release your first album. This will include a charity single for 'Children in need' and collab's with many other artists in the industry." 

I could not believe the words coming from his mouth. I have only just started my music career! I am only 16! This is mental!

We discussed the situation further and discussed the up coming events' with the boys; "Si, I don't want to sound rude but we really need to head off to the sound check for our performance tonight for comic relief!"

"Of course. I will arrange another meeting and let you know while you are on tour. Thanks boys, see you later on tonight!"

In a rush, we gathered our belongings and headed out of Simon's office. I decided to go and see Beth, Mum, Scarlett and the crew before this evening. 

I approached my brother with my arms open wide. "Heya sis!" he whispers as he embraces the hug. "How are you?"

"I'm not bad thanks big bro! Just had a meeting with management. LOADS of projects to get on with! I'll explain later." He replies with a smile as I move onto the rest of my family members who heard our mini conversation. After seeing everyone, I finally got round to seeing my baby little girl! "Hello Scarlett!"

"Auntie Luccee! I missed you!" her arms clung to my neck.

"I've missed you t-" Before I could speak she was telling me about what her plans were for the day. 

"When I woke up this morning, I bounced on Beff, and then she took me to Uncle Oliver's room and I ran and sweamed at them and jumped on Oliver. He gwumbled and then I ran back to my bed and jumped up and down, and up and down." she jumped to demonstrate. 

"wow darling. Sounds like you've had a fun morning!" Her face beams and her lips curl at the edges. "I Love You Scarlett." I lean down to her height. 

"Love you too!" She replied. She pecked my lips before turning around to face what the day had in store for us. 

The 7 of us all headed out of the hotel and to the Westfield Shopping centre. My dad decided he wanted to spoil us rotten before they headed home, after the boy's perform on the 'red nose day' show. I folded Scarlett's pram as the taxi driver needed to place it in the car. I strapped Scarlett into the car seat while Beth and Morgan climbed in the other side, leaving one seat free for me. Mum parents and Oliver stayed at the hotel until another Taxi came for them. As I walked round to the other side of the taxi I shouted, "I'lll see you there! let me know when you've set off."

"Ok Darling, I'll see you in a few!" My mother shouted back.

I climbed into my seat, closed the door and the taxi headed for the shopping centre.  

Throughout the day, we stringed from shop-to-shop, taking a break at around 1pm for food. The amount of bags that were attached to my hands seemed to increase. Soon the bags were hanging from the handle's if the pram. I'm surprised at one point that the pram didn't tip over! 

The final shop we went into was Forever 21. We must have been in their for about an hour before everyone started to get bored. Scarlett had fallen asleep in the pram so my mother took her out of the shop to sit on a bench and wait for us; my brother and father soon followed. Beth, Morgan and myself stayed in the shop. 

"Girls, we've been in her for ages! we really need to choose an outfit as soon as possible!" the girls moaned in agreement!

After another 20 minutes looking around, we all had a selection of dresses draped over our arms. We made our way to the changing rooms to get each others opinions. 

Morgan donned 2 dresses altogether. The first one was a white body-con dress with a black 'number game' print. and her second dress was a purple 'sleek scuba knit skater dress.'

Lucy sported 3 outfits all together. Dress number one was a black 'posh skater skirt'. In my opinion it was in the middle of a skater dress and a overall dress. Her second dress was a seashell pink 'Elegant Fit & Flare Dress'. Her final outfit was a taupe High-low chiffon shirt, with a black crop top. 

I however just picked one outfit. I fell in love instantly! It was a 'blush' colour, high-low styled, 'Whimsy lace dress'. 

"Beth my favorite for you, is the chiffon dress. It complements your figure perfectly! and Morgan I love the purple skater dress!" 

"I totally agree with you Lucy" Beth agreed, followed by Morgan. 

On our way to the checkout, we selected our shoes. I collected a pair of nude heels to accompany my outfit and a black clutch. Beth and Morgan both selected black shoes. Beth's were simple black heels while Morgan chose a pair of black heel boots. 

After being separated from the rest of my family for just under an hour, we re-grouped and headed back to the hotel to get ready for tonight. Thankfully we got through the day without any incidents!

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