What is happening in here?

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!! hope everyone has had a great day so far.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, loads of things are going on, I do try my best. This chapter is a bit crap cause I've literally just wrote it! And it's on the iPad so it's not edited either. Sorry.

I hope you enjoy it, and I will next update in the new year.

Thanks everyone <3

Niall's P.O.V.

The sound check for the Comic relief performance was brilliant. I am so excited to finally perform our charity single.

I haven't spoke to Lucy since this morning and I miss her. She's only been shopping with her family and friends and I want her by my side. The thought of her supporting me tonight with her family and Beth and Morgan is getting me through the day.

I gathered up the boys and we all went out to a small resurant to grab some food. As usual, paparazzi were outside. Luckily, the resturant manager banned them from coming in.

The topic of conversation slowly diverted to telling the fans about the Elounor baby! "How are you going to break it to them Louis?" Liam piped up.

"I don't know. We discussed it the other day and we don't want to do a magazine story, we don't want to do it over twitter or facebook, we thought of making a sort of statement. But then, El thought of making a video to post on our youtube channel. I said I would discuss it with you guys....."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Zayn aww'ed.

"I know thats what loads of people do now-a-days, but we feel its the easiest way to tell people, making sure it comes straight from us."

We continued our meal eventually moving on to many other topics.

We spent around an hour in the restaurant, when Harry perked up "I'll pay for it, but next time your paying Nialler!" I replied with a simple smirk knowing that he thought I'd forgot my wallet.

The journey back to the venue was hectic. Fans had discovered we were at the restaurant and a crowd was formed outside. Just before we exited, the security made their way through to make a pathway to the car.


"Niall I love you!!"

"Liam will you marry me!"

"We love Zerrie!!"

"We want Larry Stylinson"

I could feel Louis' pain.

When we eventually got into the car, everyone was chatting apart from Louis. I put my arm around him and his head fell onto my chest. No-body could see us, as we were in the 'very' back of the car; practically in the boot! I gently rubbed my hand up and down on the top of his arm.

"Hello again boys!!" Lou greeted us as we got to the dressing room. "Who's first?"

Liam stood forward and sat in the chair. Next Zayn, then Myself, then Harry and finally Louis. When Louis sat down Lou's hand rested on his shoulder. He looked at her through the mirror and smiled; the first smile i've seen him wear today. I knew we could always count on Lou to cheer everyone up.

Lux came running into the room. "ZAYN" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Zayn ran upto her and spun her around the room. Tom followed her foot step.

"You not going to spin me around Zayn?" Zayn smiled, and Tom was not expecting what happened next. Zayn bent his knees, grabbed Tom around the waist and spun around and around and around. "Put me down Zayn!!" his words lengthened by the excitement.

"What is happening in here!!" My beautiful girl walked through the dressing room door. Her smile brightened up the room even more!

"LUCY HELP. ME!" Tom screamed inbetween breaths. All at once, the rest of the boys, Lucy and myself ran towards Zayn and gave him a taste of his own medicine! While still spinning around, we all tried to avoid Toms legs and arms from hitting us. We finally got our hands on Zayn and tickled him to death!

Lucy grabbed Tom while us boys really did the damage. Tom ran over to Lux who had perched herself on the dressing table. "Uncle Zayn is a meany!" He whispered to her.

"I know daddy." Her sweet little voice replied.

It was soon time for everyone to find their seats. I grouped with the boys and found our table. Uncle Si was already sat in his seat, other celebrities crowded round him, just chatting. Quickly before the show started, I took out my phone and sent a message to Lucy.

To Lucy: hope you enjoy the performance babe! Will see you after the show, come back to the dressing room. Love you <3

A few seconds later a reply landed.

From Lucy: will do babe. You will be amazing but good luck anyway! Love you more <3

I am so lucky.

We grabbed our microphones and enter onto stage. Darkness fell as we got into our positions. As soon as the music started the lights shone down on us.

"One way or another..." We were off.

Luckily there were no accidents going down the slide/sloped stage. However nearly the end I did slip a little going back up the slope, but I don't think anyone noticed!! If it was going to be anyone who slipped, it would be me.

Stood at the top, when the music finished, I could see Louis a little 'on the edge'. I think he wanted to announce the Elounor baby, but he waited, like him and El discussed, a video will be made!

Making our way back to our seats, people congratulated us. Luckily it was through an interval so we could stop and chat for a little while. But soon enough we had to be sat in our seats for the show to begin again.

The show seamed to rush by so quickly. Heading back to the dressing room to collect our things, I heard someone shout my name.

"Niall" I turned to face them, "OMG I can't believe Its you. Oh my god." Her breathes quickened.

"Hi, do u want something signing? A photo?" She squealed as she reached for her phone and took a selfie.

"Anyway you have to come quick. Lucy has collapsed. Her family are with her but I think you should come."

What?! I collected two security men to come with me as I rushed to be by Lucy's side.

It seemed like forever, but when I finally reached her, the medics were taking her to the first aid room so it wasn't so crowded. I looked at her brother. "Ol, what happened?"

His eyes filling with tears. "someone hit her on the head. They think-" I couldn't take it. I dropped to my knees. Floods of tears escaped my eyes. Oliver put his arms around me and ushered me to walk with Lucy and her family to the first aid room.

Her body lying there, I ran upto her, grabbed her hand, "I love you so much Lucy."

Everyone silent, her mother stood at the other side of the bed/trolley. "I love you more" her croaky voice filled the room.

"Baby your awake!" I squeezed her hand again. The nurse rushed past me and forced me to one side.

"What's your name darling?" Lucy replied. "Do you know what date it is?" Lucy replied again. "What do you last remember,"

" I remember watching the boys perform their song, erm, what's it called? One way...one way or another," she took her time but she got their in the end, "and now I'm in hospital right?"

"No darling, your just in the first aid room at the arena waiting for an ambulance to come and take you to hospital to check your ok!" I smiled at her, returning me one she closed her eyes.

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