I missed him already...

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Niall's P.O.V

I went straight to Lucy's hotel; I didn't bother waiting for a reply.

I waved to Judy at reception. "You know where she is" she said smiling to me just before taking a mouthful of her drink.

"Thank you Judy!" I ran to the lift like there was no tomorrow. Got to her door and knocked as hard as I could. I heard foot steps towards the door. They stopped. And then faded away again. "Lucy. Please I really need to speak to you"

By this point, a small gathering had appeared on the corridor. To my relief I heard the door unlock and it slowly opened. Lucy was stood there with her loose hair curls to one side and minimal makeup on. She stood to the side and let me in, away from all the spectators.

"Niall. This is such a mess." I sat on her bed and opened my arms to welcome her for a cuddle.

"I know Luce. Things will soon be sorted out" she rested her head on my un-toned chest. My t-shirt moving when she moved her head. "We will stick it out at the competition and show to everyone that your are the one I want. Nobody else. I really don't want to loose you Luce. This past week has been a real roller coaster; I didn't set out to find love at this competition but I think I've found it. Your it Lucy. You are the one."

She starred at me. Gave me a small smile and a gentle kiss. It was perfect.

We sat and talked for a little while. "Lucy I'm going to have to go. We have to be at the venue in a few hours. You need to get practicing, and I need to get ready for hair and make-up"

"Hair and make-up? Is it being filmed? " Lucy asked confused.

"Yeah. It's so that when the winner is announced it can be televised and then it's publicity! Not that you and Jess haven't had enough publicity already." I laughed to myself and stood up to go. "I'll see you later them sweetie"

With a kiss on the cheek, I left; shutting the door behind me.

Lucy's P.O.V

Niall left and I missed him already. But he was right I needed to get ready for tonight. I tied my hair up in a messy bun so it was all out of my face so I could apply my makeup. A light application of foundation, eyeliner and Mascara, only to my top lashes; I filled in my eye-brows and my make-up was finished.

I struggled to remove my hair elastic and pulled it that hard it snapped. That's all I need. With my straighteners, I re-curled my hair. I didn't bother bringing my curling tongues because I didn't think I would be here this long.

I reached for my pink tight fitted, loose knitted long sleeve jumper; and placed my denim short dungarees on top. I walked to the door and looked over which shoes to wear. My Top Shop side cut-out boots or my Doc Martens?? I tried both pairs on and looked myself over in the mirror. I decided my Top Shop side cut-out ankle boots. I reached for my trilby and a few rings off the dressing table and placed it on the crown of my head. Re-adjusting my curls in the mirror I did a final check on my outfit. I was ready to go. 

When I got the the venue there weren't many people there. The organisers directed me to a room where Jessica was already waiting. This is the first time I had saw her since everything had kicked off with all the Niall dating stuff. I'm not going to lie it was very awkward. 

Questions went round in my head of what I could ask her. 'are you ok?' 'how are you feeling?' 'are you nervous?' but they just would not come out of my mouth. I played with the rings on my index fingers instead. Can they just hurry up now please?? 

While I was playing with my rings, I was oblivious to what was happening around me. The film crew had entered the room where Jessica and myself were sat. There were 4 camera: one on me; one on Jessica; one on us both; and one from behind us. It was all very strange. An organiser called Jessica's name. She got up and followed the young gentleman. The camera's focused on her all the time while she exited the room. 

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