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I am so sorry for a super, duper late update. Major writers block. I wrote a chapter then deleted it because I wasn't happy with it, then I struggled to write again. But here we go!

Enjoy <3

El's P.O.V.

Today's the day. Today's the day I tell the fans. With my bump just slightly beginning to show, Louis and I are scared they are going to notice. Some fans have been acting strange because they have noticed I have been wearing loose clothing, and that is not really my thing.

Everyone was in Lucy's house as the boys were at Sheffield arena last night. We were all sat round in a circle like shape. Harry on the floor, In front of the sofa where Lucy and Niall were perched. Then Louis and myself were to the left of them. Carrying round the circle there's Beth and Liam, held in each others arms; and finally Zayn and Perrie with Jade by her side.

"So, have you thought how you are going to start it?" Jade started, directed towards Me.

"Well, as you are all here, you are all going to be in it. The usual start of "hello , we're One Direction. And see where it goes from there." I replied. I gave a faint smile and got up from my seat to encourage everyone else to move.

We all sat round in a circle as I went to go grab my camera. Spacing out the legs on the tripod and twisting the camera on top. "You ready everyone?" I looked over my right shoulder to see everyone nodding and agreeing, shuffling into a comfy position. Niall picked up our glasses of water and moved them so they were out of shot.

I clicked the record button and walked back to my seat, drinking a sip of water along the way; setting it back down and sitting next to Louis.

Louis whispered "1,2,3." And that was it. This is the moment when we tell the whole fandom about baby Elounor.

They all chorused, "hello we're One Direction," and Liam, sat to me right spoke, "and we have an announcement to make"

I felt all head turn to us. Louis shuffled a little and put his hand upon my knee. "As you all know El and I have been in a relationship for nearly two years, and we are extremely happy together. Despite all the rumours and lies that have gone around the Internet about us, we stand by each other. I love El with all my heart,"

"But I love him more!" I interrupted.

He looked straight into my eyes, smiled, "and that is why we are pleased to announce we are going to have a new edition to the One Direction Family, baby Elounor."

Everyone cheered!! Louis placed his right hand around my back and his left on my small bump. We both looked down toward his hands as he leaned in a kissed our baby bump.

"We are all extremely happy and these guys can't wait to be auntie and uncles!" More cheered were let out and harry started applauding us. The rest of the boys soon joined in.

"We hope you are as happy as we are. We love you all." Louis tried to bring the video to an end. And as usual the boys all ended the video with their un-normal goodbyes.

Once the boys had gone silent, Harry ran up to the camera and ended the recording.

"Well," The words began to spill out of Lucy's mouth. "That's it. By the end of the day, the majority of your fans will know about baby Elounor."

"I know scary thought right!" Louis stumbled upon his words. There are not many occasions where Louis is really serious, but this took it to a whole now level. There was something not quite right.

"Babe?" I lifted his chin with my head until our eyes met. "You ok?" He replied with a smply 'yeah' and a sigh. I took his hand and led him to the kitchen. "Babe, I know something's not right. You do want this baby don't you?"

"What? Of course I do. Like I said I love you with all my heart, I don't want anything else more than a beautiful baby linking us together for the rest of our lives. It's just..." He paused.

"What? Babe?" I wrapped my arms round his shoulders, his around my waist and stood until his felt it was right to explain.

"The fans. I know most of them will be happy, but some of them, the whole 'Larry' thing-"

"Let them think what they want Lou. I love you and you love me, that's all that matters. Bubba will have amazing support and love from the people that really care." I looked right into his eyes. Pecking him on the lips before leaving the kitchen.

I returned a few seconds later with Harry; Louis still stood in the exact position I left him in. Legs crossed, stood, leant up against the kitchen sink with his arms folded. His head rose when I re-entered. "Haz." He ran towards him, Harry's arms open wide to comfort him and tears escaped his eyes. "What if this pressure gets to us too much. What if we all break down, split up. It will be all my fault."

"No it won't bear! Stop it. All four of us love you so much, we are brothers, we care for each other, and especially for our extended families. I know what your thinking, the fans right? They can think what they want. You and El are all that matter. You are going to give Miss or mr the best life possible; the fans can like it or lump it!"

"Here here." By now everyone else had heard what was going on. I know I should probably feel jealous of Harry and Lou's friendship cause he lets outs his emotions to him, but I don't. It makes me feel comfortable knowing that Harry and the rest of the boys care for him just like I do. Like Haz said, they are brothers, they love each other.

Once Lou and Haz had sorted everything out, I gave them both a hug and went back into the room to meet the rest of the 'gang'. Beth already set with the laptop editing the video and getting it ready to upload.

An hour later and we were just about to upload the video. Management were informed that we were going to upload to video and they'd ave it to go ahead. "You ready guys?" I got many nods in response. As Louis clicked the upload button, we watched the percentage figure rise, it had been scheduled to be uploaded at 4:00pm; it was now 3:50pm.

I made everyone a drink, and handed out some cake I made yesterday before the boys arrived. We were all talking when I realised the time. "Louis, it's 3:59. I love you millions, you always remember that!" He leant into me, his lips met mine. The kiss long and passionate.

"Get a room you two!" Harry shouted out. All he got in reply was a sarcastic laugh. I logged into my twitter on the laptop creating a tweet;

@EleanorJcalder: You should watch this -

@louis_tomlinson: We have an announcement-

@NiallOfficial: Guys, this is important -

@Harry_Styles: We need to tell you something -

@real_liam_payne: well -

@ZaynMalik: V'ass 'appnin -

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