The Secrets Out

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Lucy's P.O.V.

The clock was about to strike 3:00pm. 'Time to go home' I thought. 'Lessons over. Don't forget your unit 7 is due in after the holidays. Off you go. Have a good Christmas' Up I got, out of my chair, collected my folder off the table and myself, Beth and Morgan walked out of the room, walked down the 5 flights of stairs, and out of college.

'ITS CHRISTMAS' I shouted on the top of my voice making a fool of myself once again. Beth and Morgan lowered their head and shook it with shame. Its becoming a regular thing. Walking down towards the Tram stop to make our way home I plugged my earphones into my Ipod and started listening to the one and only One Direction. Hiding my Ipod back into my pocket before anyone else saw what i was listening too I gave a smile to Morgan. we walked onto the tram and found 3 seats that were empty so i beckoned Morgan and Beth to come sit with me. I sat down first with Morgan sitting down next opposite me, and Beth was was then next to me.

It was about 15 minutes into our journey home and Morgan was about to get off the tram. so she said her goodbyes. 'Have a good Christmas babe' i shouted to her as the doors opened for her to get off. she walked to the window where me and Beth remained sitting and smiled at us.

Beth took out one of my earphones to talk to me. 'What are you listening too?' She asked me. I was currently Listening to Over Again by 1D but I couldn't tell her that. She asked for my Ipod so she could choose a song. I nervously handed her my Ipod and she smiled at the picture that was on the screen; Me, Morgan and Her, Taken earlier today.

Beth's Prov

I ask Lucy for her Ipod to see what song she listens too. When she does hand me her Ipod, she seems nervous. Taking the Ipod out of her hand i pressed the 'home' button to turn on the screen to see a picture of the three of us earlier today :D My eyes wandered up to see what song she was listening too. 'C'mon C'mon'. I knew that song. Surely she didn't listen to One Direction? She's not the sort of person I would say would listen to them! Seriously! Omg. I unlocked her screen to open her Music List. Scrolling through her One Direction music I played Little Things.

After she realised what sing it was, she gave me a funny look. I took the other earphone that was dangling on the other end of the chord, and placed it in my ear. We just sat there, listening to the song. I turned my head to look at Lucy, she did the same and we smiled at each other. It was as though she has just said something that relieved herself or some weight was lifted off her shoulders....

Lucy's Prov

I glanced over to Beth and we shared that precious smile. That's when I knew I could be my true self around Beth. My 'secret' was told to someone. Just to tell Morgan now.

Just as we had listening to 4 One Direction songs, it was time for Beth to go. she took out her earphone and gave me a hug, whispering in my ear 'Have a good Christmas Lucy, See Ya Soon Love' I gave her a girly kiss and waved her good bye and the doors of the tram opened. I was all alone. I hated been alone on these trams. You never know what could happen. With it being Dark at this time of year in England, when it got to my stop to get off, it was pitch black! Did i mention, I'm scared of the dark? Well if not, you now know!

Walking towards my house thought were yet again going through my head about the competition poster? Getting the poster out of my college bag I looked at the closing date. 'Friday 20th December 2012' That's TONIGHT! 'What do I do?' I said to myself??

Opening the door, I ran straight up to my bedroom. Slam my door shut, and just sat on my bed with the posted open in my hands for about 2 hours. I hear foot steps coming up the stairs. They were defiantly my mothers foot steps. Folding up the poster I tucked it under my bed sheets as my mum walked in through my bedroom door. I really wasn't in the mood at the moment. 'You OK darling?'

I looked up at her 'Yeah why?'

'You've been all quiet that's all, me and you father didn't realise you were in the house you've been so quiet and that's not like you'

'Yeah i'm fine mum. Honestly' well i wasn't but you know, I can't worry my parents. They worry 100 times worse!

'OK I'll leave you to do what ever your doing' with that, she walked out my room and she shut the door behind her.

'Thanks' I said back even though she probably wouldn't have heard me! I got my laptop from under my bed and switched it on. As usual I loaded up my normal Internet tabs: Facebook; Youtube; Twitter; Google. typing into Google One Directions Website. I was browsing on Their website for about 20 minutes before I found this competition. 'Do you have a musical talent or know someone who does' It hit me, Beth, Morgan and Sarah Believed in me. They Believe I can do this, even though I don't believe in myself. Maybe i could really do this?

I jumped off my bed and grabbed out my camera, placed it on my draws so it was at the right height to have me in shot. I grabbed my guitar and Began to Play Little Things. Just a practice run through.

OK that was a good enough practice. lets record. I hit that record button like I have never hit it before. I managed to record it all in one take. Never done that before! I must be in a good mood. Well I am! So now I've recorded the video, I need to upload my video. Leaning over to my draws, I grabbed my USB cable and uploaded the video to my Laptop. I listened to it back, and it wasn't my best performance but i don't care I don't have enough time to re-record it.

Clicking back onto the website and my laptop cursor moved towards the 'Upload you submission' Button. I was so nervous. I browsed through my files to find the video. I Looked at my clock and it 11:30 pm. The competision entery deadline was Midnight. so I had 30 Minutes. I ran down stairs to get a drink. I wasn't feeling great, but i put that down to nerves. Running back upstairs, My bedroom Clock said 11:55pm, However the clock on my laptop said 00:02am.

In shock I clicked the submit button. Am I too late? That's it my chance might be over. Oh well. There will be other opportunities.

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