Beware Of Darkness

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Hi everyone,
My name is Sara Payne,
I'm 18 years young,
I have long dark brown hair which is naturally straight,
I have blue eyes and I’m fairly skinny. I live in a house of three boys and another girl my best friend. My brother is Liam Payne and he is 19 years old, he is the only family i have left now. Then there is Zayn Malik & Niall Horan who are always there for me. My best girlfriend Dylan lives with us due to the fact her parents moved to Italy for their work. We have a different life from other teenagers our age....

We are Vampire Slayers...

Yes you wouldn't think Vampires are real, well they are. I guess you wanna know why i hate and kill Vampires, well...
It's because a bunch of Vampires killed my parents and two other sisters. My parents were Slayers, they were very killed at their job i guess, I don’t honestly know. I remember the first night i came across Vampires, i just didn’t know it yet, the night my parents were murdered.

My mother was packing a small backpack of things and threw me into a sweater, then carried me to the back door. I remember hearing my father yell for help, things smashing & my mother's footsteps running for the back door.
"Sara, I want you to run, as fast as you can & don't look back" My mother said, kissing my forehead.
"Mother, I'm scared" I said hugging her tightly.
"If you run, everything will be happy again, no more scary screams, Love you Honey" My mother said pushing me out the door then said "RUN!!!" Then i ran for my life. I ran to my horses stables behind the house and grabbed a flashlight. I started running again till i reached Liam's friends house, i arrived and told them my parents were in trouble.

The next morning we arrived back at our house to find Police, Doctors etc taking my mothers, fathers, sisters dead bodies away. Being an eight year old, i cried into my brothers arms with him crying and screaming "MUM, DAD, SIS!" After that day, we lived with our next door neighbours who worked with our parents. We were close to their only son Zayn Malik. Back then, none of us knew the job our families did.

When i turned 15, Zayn's parents and sisters were killed by the same bunch of Vampires. After that, we found a book explaining to us what our parents jobs were..... Vampire Slayers... We all agreed to stay together and kill any Vampires we came across. About one year later, we saved Niall after Vampires entered his house and killed everyone except him. Before they had the chance to bite Niall, i stabbed the Vampire in the heart, killing him instantly. After calming him down and explaining our job and the reason for it, Niall became a part of our new family, and our new team.

That’s my story, but now two years after saving Niall, our lives havn't changed one little bit.

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