Chapter 38 "Its Time"

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Sara’s POV

Outfit for Chapter-

It’s now been about three days since Sir Dean came and told us Danielle and I had to be turned by Wednesday, and it’s now Friday. Danielle has been freaking out about turning, meaning she would never see her family again but she will still have Liam.

Harry had myself, him and the kids move back into the family house, so we slept in my old room. I’ve been sitting in the lounge room alone for about two hours, since all the guys, Eleanor and Perrie had to go hunting and i wasn’t allowed to be fed off due to the fact I’m being turned soon. Danielle comes down from her bedroom finally wearing something nice.

Danielle’s Outfit-

“Oh hello Sara, you’re up early” Danielle says to me smiling. I can tell it’s so fake.

“Yeah, Harry woke me up before he left. I couldn’t get back to sleep after that so i just left Darcy and Tyler to sleep” I say rubbing my eyes.

“You hungry?” Danielle asks me.

“No thanks, I’m waiting till Niall gets back, he and I are going for breakfast” I say standing up.

“Why you and Niall?” Danielle asks me, raising her eyebrow.

“Since I’m being turned i wanna know what I’m in for, besides he was the latest to be turned so he will give me advice, Harry was turned a long long time ago so yeah” I say walking upstairs into my bedroom.

I walk over to my bed and grab my phone to find three new messages. One from Harry, Niall and Perrie. Why am i not surprised.

From Hazza <3


Babe, we are heading home now.

Be careful when you and Nialler are alone okay, I was thinking of taking the kids for Ice Cream and a movie?


I quickly text him back

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