Chapter 32 "Beaten and Chained"

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You’re not going anywhere”


Aww Seriously, This is bullshit


When i turned around, i saw a red eyed, blood covered Niall Horan. Danielle stood behind me and we couldn’t really go inside otherwise he would catch us, if we stay here we will get caught, and what the hell are we going to do!

“Move!” I shout at him, he smirks and shakes his head.

“Tsk Tsk Tsk, Sara have you learned nothing?” He said then suddenly my left wrist was pinned to the wall above my head, and my right pinned beside my waist, Niall hovered over me smirking. I couldn’t breathe, my body was trembling and my voice was all shaky.

“Get off her!” Danielle yells, punching his bad and kicking him but he doesn’t move. In one swift movement Danielle was on the ground knocked out and then he re pinned me against the wall. I squirmed in his grip but he pressed his chest onto mine and dipped his head into my neck and licked my skin softly. I was holding back the moan, with Harry i would be moaning loudly but i can’t enjoy this! I’m basically a hostage.

“I know your holding back the moan, moan all you want. It will be easier for you” Niall whispers in my ear, sending slivers down my spine and Goosebumps rose across my body.

“N-no w-way i-in h-hell” I stutter whispering back, my voice draining.

“You just made it harder on yourself babe” Niall whispers then i feel his fangs being shoved into my skin, sucking lowly, and smirking against my skin while i started to whimper. He lets of my right wrist and i grip his shirt, trying to push him away but he places his free hand into the back bottom pocket of my jeans and squeezed my butt hard and i gasp and cried at the same time.

He kept dranking from me and i started to feel super dizzy, my grip on his shirt was getting weaker and weaker every minute. After he drank from me for about ten minutes he stops and smashes his lips onto mine. I couldn’t do anything, he shoved his tongue down my throat and fiercely moved my own, making me whimper more and more. This is the worst I’ve ever been drank from, plus been abused. He then lets me go and i slide down the wall panting, and holding my bleeding neck. I look over at Danielle and he walks over and flips her onto her back, then starts drinking from her, i try to scream but nothing comes out.

I eyelids start to get heavier and heavier, i whisper “No” Then everything goes pitch black.

Harry’s POV

After i left the others to put Niall away i took Tyler to the playground to get some fresh air. He played in the sandpit, it was so cute watching him. If only Sara was here, i don’t know where she went and I’m worried, it’s been hours now. Suddenly a middle age couple sit down next to me and their daughter runs over to the sand pit. She sits down next to Tyler and hands him her juice and he just stares at her.

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