Chapter 6 "It Starts Now"

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Sara’s POV

It’s been a week since everything happened. Zayn turning into the werewolf, getting my powers (Well finding out i actually had powers to begin with), talking to my mother and seeing Harry. I really do need to speak with him because he is in all my dreams, basically haunting me. Doesn’t help the fact Zayn is still mad with Niall for making out with me even tho we aren’t even dating? Why can’t we make out if we want, Zayn doesn’t own me, no one controls me.
Liam has banned me from Slaying the whole week and i finally get to leave this house tonight for the normal drunken girl vampire hunt chase, which normally ends super bad since Niall told me there is a new group of super bad Vampires in town that are super good of getting out of our reach. I start to curl my hair and change into my outfit for tonight’s hunt.
Outfit- (Without sunglasses and hand bag)
I grab my gear and walk to my bedroom door and open it to find Niall waiting for me. He then randomly smashes his lips onto mine and couldn’t help but kiss back. He puts his hands on my hips and grips them tightly, making me gasp and he shoved his tongue into my mouth, dancing with my own. Butterflies were flying everywhere in my stomach, he then moved his lips to my neck and bit softly on my neck, making me moan and throw my head back,
“N-Niall” I moaned and he disconnected his lips from my neck and looked straight into my eyes and pressed his forehead onto mine. He smirked and pecked my lips quickly and mumbled quietly-
“Sara, your great at kissing you know that?”
“Well, it calm naturally with you” I said starching the back of my neck, blushing like crazy.
“NIALL, SARA, HURRY UP WE NEED TO LEAVE ALREADY!!!!” Dylan yelled from down stairs and we ran down to meet her, Zayn and Liam at the front door. We got into the van and drove around the town. We decide to go our own ways but Dylan tags alone with me since she isn’t allowed to go solo just yet.
We enter a small alley to see a group of 5 teenagers talking, three girls and two boys. Dylan looks at me concerned but i brush it off, these teenagers are just being idiots. When we turn to leave my Vampire Device starts going mad and i point it towards those teens.
“Sara, whats wrong?” Dylan asks looking over my shoulder down to my device.
“Shit” I mumbled and i turn to her.
“W-We have go-gotta leave right now Sara” Dylan stutters and we turn to leave.
“Where do you think you two are going?” One of the guys asks. We bolt towards the park to get as far away as we could. We turn around and i see they didn’t bother to follow. We back away and bump into someone. I turn around and say-
“I’m so Sorry.... I didn’t- Wait? Harry!!” I say with a happy tone and hug him and he hugs back tightly.
“Where have you been Sara!” Harry mumbles into my neck.
“Liam banned me from slaying so i was stuck in the house” I said pulling away smiling.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but Sara we need to leave” Dylan says madly and grabs my arm pulling me away from Harry. We then hear a scream and i instantly know Whos scream that is....

Zayn’s POV (Few minutes before attack)

I enter a small street after watching a drunk girl wander in here alone, basically leading to a vampire attack. I keep my distance and watch her walk around, falling a few times on the wet, dirty cement and finally she hits the ground hard enough to pass out. Seconds later a young boy comes up and picks her up.
“It’s alright now, just don’t make a sound and everything will be alright” He says looking into her eyes, she just nods and he then pulls out his fangs and quickly puts them into the chick’s neck, she moans and grips his shirt. I can smell the blood but control myself from attacking because Werewolf’s don’t bite humans, ever. He then grips her hips, sucking all the blood out of the young, innocent girl and lets her go. There is still a faint heartbeat and she has a small amount of blood in her, if she makes it to a hospital she will live.
The vampire leaves and i run to pick up the small, blood covered and drunken girl. I lift her bridal style and walk to the van. But suddenly I’m tackled to the ground and the girl is thrown from my arms onto the ground.
“You really didn’t think we didn’t notice you?” The vampire from before asks standing next to another guy, i guess he is a vampire as well. I look up at them with pure madness and try to stand but the hold me down tightly.
“LET ME GO NOW, OR I WILL BITE YOUR HEADS OFF!!” I scream, thrashing, trying to break free of these guys strong grip on me. Then four girls surround me, three of them are smirking and one is not so happy with this moment.
“Do it already!” One of the girls yells at the one who is a little shy. I don’t think she is a Vampire. She looks to innocent to so maybe she is a werewolf? No, that can’t be it either.
“Leave me alone!” I yell back.
“W-Why do i have to do this, I’m a vampire but why do i have to do it, your all Vampires aswell!” She yells back, well she is a vampire but she must be new all it all since she isn’t blood thristy.
“Just bite him already then make the mark on his chest your family does alright!” Another screams at her.
“You mean the Hybrid symbol?” She asks.
“Yes now do it” The last girl yells at her.
“A-Alright” She stutters and walks over towards me.
I keep trashing and tears start to go down my face, i don’t want to become a Hybrid whatever that is, I’m already a dam Werewolf. The boys let me go and she pins me against the wall super fast.
“Way to go Perrie” The guys shout at her, making her jump with fear.
“I’m sorry i have to do this” She mumbles then bites into my neck softly, i actually didn’t hurt that much, she did it sweetly and i loved it to be very honest. I started to fell light headed and she noticed. She slowly took her fangs out of my neck and used my blood to make a symbol on my forehead and around my neck. She then bit her wrist and put it against my mouth and basically shoved it down my throat.
As soon as she pulled away, extreme pain flows through my body and i made a loud scream. She fell over due to the loudness and mouthed me
“I’m Sorry”
I roll over the ground, gripping my stomach with my hands tightly, screaming more and more. I look to see Perrie passed out on the ground and the guys pick her up and they all run for it, leaving me on the ground.
“Zayn!” I hear Dylan’s voice from in front of me.
“ZAYN WHERE ARE YOU!!” That’s Sara’s voice. Then i can see three figures run towards me, two are Dylan and Sara, but i don’t know the third. I then flip into darkness and a deep sleep.

Niall’s POV
“Liam, we need to find the others” I say walking with Liam around the town.
“Well, we did kill about 5 vampires tonight so i guess we should call it a night” Liam mumbles.
“ZAYN WHERE ARE YOU!!” Sara’s voice comes around us. We run towards an empty street to find Sara hugging Harry and Dylan watching Zayn, lying motionless on the ground. We rush over and look at the two girls who are shaking.
“S-Sara?” I ask and she looks at me.
“It’s starting” She mumbles.
“Huh?” Liam asks confused.
“It’s starting now” She says a bit louder.
“What is starting now?” Harry asks looking down at Sara.
“What my mother said, the darkness is coming” Sara says crying. It’s finally here, everything her mother said is now coming back to me. Harry pulls her into a tighter hug and Dylan cries into Liam’s chest while i look at Zayn’s body. He isn’t dead but something is happening to him.

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