Chapter 20 "The Shocker & The New Born"

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Harry’s POV

“No, it has to be, Sara is.....” I start to say.

“Pregnant” I finish looking at my hands, which are now shaking.

“You got my sister pregnant! When!” Liam whisper/screams at me, getting in my face.

“Liam calm down!” Louis says dragging Liam away from me. Niall shoots daggers into my heart with his eyes. If looks could kill, i would have been killed ten times by now.

“When we went away, we were kissing then one thing led to another an” I mumbled freaking out. How could i forget to use protection? This isn’t going to end well. At least it’s a human baby otherwise the vampire baby would be already showing.

“Harry we need to get her out of there” Perrie snaps me out of my thoughts.

“I-I know” I stutter and i stand up.

Sara’s POV

“What are you talking about! There is nothing inside me Rebecca” I say coughing up more blood and my stomach starts to ache. Blood drops down my chin and neck and i look up to see Rebecca smirking at me.

“Darling your pregnant, Harry put a baby inside you, it’s called mating” She says then laughs at the end.

“So what if I’m pregnant, I’m happy enough to start a family with him! WHAT DO YOU MEAN MATING?” I scream the last part standing up weakly. I then use all the strength i have to protect myself in an earth ball so she can’t get close to me.

“Mating is where a vampire has a partner and uses it to get a child then normally leaves you and takes the baby to feed off it. Gross i know but in your case that might be different. If this child is a boy it’s not a threat, if it’s a girl then i well have to kill you and the baby” Rebecca says getting closer to me. I start to shake, tears rolling down my cheeks and i pray someone will help me.

I’m too weak to keep fighting her, the baby is taking my energy. Suddenly i hear Harry’s voice screaming at Rebecca.


“Why why, if it isn’t Harry Styles” Rebecca says, i can tell she is smirking at seeing him.

Then i hear Liam’s, Perrie’s & Niall’s voices near the earth ball and i move one side of the ball so i can see their faces. I basically fall onto Niall and he holds me in his arms. “You alright Sara?” He asks me worried. I nod and he stands up carrying me bridal style.

“Harry leave her, let’s go” Perrie yells to Harry. I look over Niall’s shoulder to see Louis, Zayn and Harry surrounding a Rebecca who is laying on the ground staring at them.

“Fine” Zayn says walking back to us.

“If you ever return to his town i will end you myself, understand” Harry says and Rebecca nods then disappears into the woods. We then drive home and walk back inside. Harry carries me to the bedroom and places me on the bed. Everyone surrounds me worried and Niall starts to bandage my wounds.

“Sara are you sure your alright?” Louis asks me with a worried tone.

“I’m fine guys really” I say but then cough up more blood then start choking. Perrie smacks my back hard and i finally stop choking on the blood.

“Harry you need to give her your blood, she is way too weak” Perrie says, rubbing my back softly to calm me down.

“Alright” He sighs then bites his wrist. That must be painful for him, biting yourself would hurt shitless but now he would understand how much it hurts when you bite a human. He places his wrist on my mouth and i start drinking his blood. When I’m finish i push his arm away quickly and wipe the blood of my mouth.

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