Chapter 1 "The Haunted Night"

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Sara’s POV

It’s in the afternoon and i just finished school today, which makes me free! Yay! Me and Dylan just threw all our books into a box and put it into the roof. This means more time to kill Vampires thank god.

I change into something more comfy (

) and walk down stairs to grab something to eat. I walk into the kitchen and grab a small packet of chips and walk into the lounge room and sit on the couch. I turn on the TV and the Vampire Diaries come on. This show actually is all true, all this crap actually happens which sucks, yet there isn’t any other this love stuff. We don’t ever fall for Vampires no matter what. Thats a rule. Then i feel the couch go down and i looked to my right to see Zayn smiling at me.

“Hey Sara, how was the last day of school?” Zayn asks me.

“It was alright i guess, I’m happy to be home, don’t need to be worried that i could be attack at school” I said giggling.

“What are you watching?” He asks me.

“Vampire Diaries” I say back, turning to the TV.

“What time are we leaving tonight?” Zayn asks, pulling me onto him, hugging me.

“I think at 9pm, so its late and its a Friday so Vampires will be out looking for drunk prey. Think about it Zayn, they pretend to love their prey then feed from them, its gross and horrible” I say pouting at him. He presses his forehead to mine, what is he doing... Wait is he about to kiss me? Crap maybe Dylan was right.

“Sara, stop thinking about it, it makes you tense” Zayn says looking into my eyes.

“Zayn..... What are you doing” A voice behind Zayn says. He let’s me go and i  look over him to see Liam. Thank god. I jump over the couch and hug Liam tightly screaming-

“BROTHER!!” He falls to the ground from my hug and we start to laugh.

“Seriously, you guys are the nicest brother and sister, you guys never argue at each other” Zayn mumbles.

“Come on you two, we need to get some food into us before tonight” Niall says over us.

“Sara get off me already” Liam says.

“Fine, your no fun” I mumble getting off him and walking into the kitchen. Suddenly arms go around my waist and i turn my head to see Niall hugging me.

“Don’t you even try to eat my chicken” Niall mumbles.

“I wouldn’t dream of it” I say then wink at him and he lets go. I make some pasta and quickly eat it and run upstairs to get changed and get my gear.

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