Chapter 28 "Thoughts"

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Sara’s POV

I can still remember the talk from last night. I actually can’t believe some of the stuff that was said.


Harry- Sara, so what are planning on having this second child, i mean we haven’t even really done it yet so do you want another?
Sara- Harry! We just had Tyler! At least give me another five months until we are planning on a second child. I really do want another but is it a good idea with all the vampire attacks, besides Rebecca said if i have a girl child she will try and harm it, i won’t be able to protect her or him. Guys what do you think about having a second child?
Niall- Honestly i think you should, you’re really good with children and you handle Tyler with such ease, you could handle another child without a problem. Besides Tyler didn’t get any of your powers so maybe this second child will, you need to keep the Payne Magic going, it can’t stop with you Sara.
Liam- Niall enough, Sara has every right to wait if she wants. She has a good point about Rebecca, even tho she has disappeared, she could return any day now. Sara, sister you should wait. Besides you just got engaged.
Sara- But i wanna be human when i give birth to this child, and it's Harry's human birthday in a few days and it takes six whole months for this child to come out, Rebecca could return to harm it, but i don’t wanna become a Vampire until this second child is born. Then i have to wait four or five years to have another, that’s if we actually want any more than two.
Danielle- Sara i think you should give Harry birthday sex, then you have six months to give birth, and that means it’s a July baby, and your birthday is the 28th of July so thats a good time. Besides you will still be human cause didn’t you want to become a Vampire when your 19?
Sara- Actually that’s true, i wanted to be the same age as Harry, and he is 19 and i wanted to be the same age as him. 19 years old is a good age i think. Knowing what you just said about the birthday present, i guess we could do that.
Harry- I agree, it just means an extra present for my birthday and hopefully this child will be born a few days before your birthday Sara.
Zayn- ANYWAY! Can we change the subject?
Louis- I guess so, Niall when do we fly home? I miss the house and the rest of the girls. What sucks even more is that Liam, Zayn and Harry have their special girls while I and Niall don’t. It's unfair.
Niall- Lou, I’m still human, i don’t have long until I’m 20 years old and something that scares me, i want to be turned before i turn 20, so yea.
Liam- Niall, you actually want to be turned? Since when did you think of this?
Niall- A little while now.

I actually can’t believe Niall wants to be turned; i mean it’s odd for him to think like that. After everyone went to bed, Harry and I were talking about it, thinking why and who would turn Niall if he really wished to be a vampire, I’m making Harry change me even tho he doesn’t want to.

Next Morning

We are finally returning home and Tyler and Harry are all ready while I’m still getting changed. The media are already going crazy about Harry asking me to marry him, along with having a six month old son.

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