Chapter 22 "The Darkness"

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5 Long Months Later

Niall’s POV

In the past five months, there hasn’t been any vampires around town for us to slay so we have been pretty happy with that. Sara is now only three weeks away from giving birth so she is excited about it, she asked me to be the godfather which is amazing and a massive pleasure. Her stomach is pretty big now so she isn’t allowed to leave the house without someone with her. But these past few days I’ve noticed something off about her, I just can’t put my finger on it.

I walk into the kitchen to find her cooking alone? Harry always cooks with her. I walk up behind her and she snaps her head “What do you want H- oh it’s you Niall” she says then goes back to cooking.

“What you cooking?” I ask peering over her shoulder.

“Satay Chicken” She says smirking.

“Yummy, you’re going to share aren’t you?” I ask nicely.

“Yeah, but only with you, no one else alright” She says sighing. I walk out into the living room and sit down next to Harry, who seems to be deep in thought.

“Harry? What you thinking about?” I ask curious.

“Sara has been acting odd lately, i don’t know if it’s the pregnant side of her but she seems more.... evil or something like that” He mumbles then sighs.

“Haz, she is carrying a baby, she would get moody” I say raising my eyebrow.

“I know that, but this is different Niall. Her powers are out of control and she seems to get caught up with all the power instead of focusing on her target. I’m worried something bad is happening to her”  He says worried.

“So I’m not the only one who noticed it” A voice behind us says and we turn around to see Zayn sighing. “Something is happening to her, my werewolf sense is telling me so”

“What should we do?” Harry asks Zayn.

“Seriously guys, you could be overreacting to this, it’s prob just the mood swings” I say to them but they ignore my comment. Then something snaps in their little brains and they smirk.

“Liam” they say in unison.

“How is Liam going to fix this?” I ask confused.

“He has another power to see the energy surrounding a person, this would mean he can see if anything evil is inside her” Zayn says smiling.

“What you guys talking about?” Sara says, holding a bowl and eating from it.

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