Chapter 9 "The Agreement"

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Liam’s POV

We all turn around to see Harry & Louis standing five metres from me and Niall. We all nod in unison and Louis smirks looking at Harry and he nods. “We know three Vampires who would take her in, that way, I will control Zayn to control his thirst for blood”

“When will we do this?” Niall asks madly.

“Give it about a month of them being there, Sara, get close to Perrie and get her story that might help us. Dylan you need to somehow kill at least two of the vampires in that gang with help for Niall or Liam, Liam do some research on the Edwards family tree and Niall, protect Sara at all costs” Harry says to us stepping closer.

“Who put you in charge?” Dylan bluntly says walking back to me and Niall with Sara beside her. She crosses her arms and i sigh.

“No one did, Liam is still leader of your team but we wanna help” Louis says happily.

“Well, I am not working with Vampires” Niall says rudely.

“It’s not your choice Horan! Unless you rather die!” Louis yells stepping closer.

“Tomlinson don’t even start with me” Niall says stepping closer to Louis, they are now only inches away, I stand there with Dylan in shock, shit is about to go down. Sara then gets in-between the two and puts her hands on either of the boy’s chest and pushes them apart.

“Louis! Niall! This isn’t helping” Sara says madly.

“Sara is right” Harry says walking up behind her.

“Whatever” Louis & Niall say in unison, Dylan sighs beside me and I mentally faceplamed myself. Harry & Louis left and we headed home, Niall was still really pissed off and went straight to his room. Dylan and I sat on the couch and watched some Supernatural episodes and, well i don’t really know where Sara went but she should be fine. These past few hours, she has gotten very badass and strong again which made me happy. I wrap my arms around Dylan and put my head in the crock of her neck. I really do like Dylan but i know she doesn’t feel the same.

Dylan’s POV

When Liam put his head on my neck, i instantly knew I was blushing, least he couldn’t see how he affects me. I care so much for him, a lot more than just friends, I mean.... Well i want to be called ‘his’ but that isn’t going to happen. I mean, I’m his sisters best friend who lives in their house who is a fellow Vampire Slayer, like that makes me amazing.

“Hey... Um... Dyl?” Liam says into my neck.

“Y-Yeah?” I stutter.

“May I ask you a question?” He smoothly asks. I pull away and look at him for a few moments, I nod and he smiles, then blushes which makes me blush as well and I stare into his wonderful eyes.

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