Chapter 10 "The Note, The Bite, The New Love"

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Liam’s POV

I heard Niall screams to Sara, begging her to return to him, the stormed down the stairs and walked to the front door and walked out then slammed it loudly shut. She was defiantly pissed about something, because i could tell she was going to sleep in the hideout away from everyone else. Niall came down and I and Dylan stood up glaring at him.

“What did you do?” Dylan yelled at him.

“I didn’t do anything! She was reading a note her mother left her and-“He says but i cut him off stuttering.

“A-A N-N-o-ote f-from our m-other?” I believe it. She found a note our mother left her from before she died. H-How? I wanna, no, need to read this note Sara read and got her so mad she walked out.

Niall hands me the note and i read it out aloud-

My beautiful amazing Sara
Tonight, bad people are coming for me, your father and your sisters, including you. I won’t be able to protect your father and sisters, i sent Liam away because he needs to stay safe and grow up with you. This necklace is something that will protect you from evil and pure darkness and only time will tell when you actually open this box and find the necklace and this note.
I love you my little girl,
Love Mummy xxx”

She knew they were going to die! I’m actually now super pissed. I understand how Sara felt now, but she needs space. I decide to go to bed and sleep on it. I brought Dylan with me and we changed into our pjs. We get into bed and under the sheets, i wrap my arms around Dylan’s waist and pull her into my bare chest and put my head in the crock of her neck. I whisper in her ear-

“Love you Dylan”

“Love you too Lili” Dylan whispers back.

Sara’s POV

I grab a blanket from the wardrobe in the hideout and lay it out on the seats along with a soft pillow and lay down looking at the roof. I keep thinking about what the note said, about Niall, about... Harry. Gosh my feelings are all over the place, i mean you can’t be in love with someone who you’re meant to kill... It’s the rule, but screw the dam rule book, i don’t know!

I want to be Harry’s, yet he will never die and i will grow old and die and he will meet someone else and i will be replaced. I always get replaced, every single bloody time. Suddenly i hear a knock at the door. I slowly go to answer and open it.



“Harry? What are you doing here?” I asked.

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