Chapter 40 "Different Point Of View"

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Sara’s POV

It’s now been five years since i had that vision of Darcy and Niall, when we told him to leave, he really did, but he said he wouldn’t be away forever and he would return home, maybe to make sure we are all safe. Now that Tyler & Darcy are five and six they are in school while i stay home and look after our one year old Alice.

“Hey Love” Harry says walking into the bedroom where Alice sleeps. All the kids now have their own rooms and since this is a massive house they seem to get lost a lot.

“Hey Hazza” I whisper back, i hadn’t gotten much sleep these past few nights, Niall keeps getting into my head.

“You seen troubled?” Harry questions me, sitting next to me on the couch in the room.

“Just not enough sleep that’s all” I say fake smiling.

“You sure?” He questions me again.

“Yes Harry, I’m fine” I say with a hint of a growl. I then tell Harry to watch Alice while i go to starbuck’s and get a coffee and some other sweet stuff. I grab my coffee but then i run into someone with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Aww shit.

Niall’s POV

It’s been five years since i left and i hate it, I miss everyone, Sara, Tyler and Darcy. I’ve been in Ireland for these past few years with some friends but I’ve decided to come back to Holmes Chapel for the day. No one is going to notice me i hope. I walk into Starbucks and then suddenly bump into someone, with long brown hair and blue eyes. Are you fucking kidding me!

“H-Hello” I stutter and she blushes.

“H-Hi” She stutters back then walks out. I run after her and grab her wrist, pulling her into the black ally way behind the shop.

“You don’t even bother ask i am, wow you’re a great friend Sara” I growl at her and she tenses in my arms. It’s like she isn’t a vampire, pure innocent and human but she quickly gets out of my grip and backs up to the wall.

“You don’t understand Niall! Why are you here!” She cries at me in fear.

“I just wanted to see Holmes Chapel, i didn’t want to see any of you, but while you’re here, how’s everyone?” I ask and she gulps.

“Well, Louis and Eleanor are happy with their son, Same with Perrie and Zayn with the twins, Danielle and Liam have been travelling a lot with their daughter, basically around the world so they are happy, Tyler is now in year one, Darcy just started school, Harry is happy, so am I, plus Alice-“ She says smiling but i cut her off.

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