Chapter Forty One

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It was only after we left the palace that I realized just how quickly the news of our engagement had spread.

We weren't being extremely close or affectionate, but people's eyes watched us, scared to step out of line.

But their eyes wandered to the ring on my finger. A beautiful royal engagement ring.

Though, they all still seemed a bit shocked about the whole thing. Only those at the party/ball last night saw Damon and I kiss.


"Ah, have you been to the bakery near the tailor and the ring shop?" Damon asked.

"Wasn't it a candy store?"

He shook his head, "they replaced it roughly about a year ago."

"Oh, then no," I said. "I've never been. Should we go?"

Damon grinned happily, "you'd like it."

So we went to the bakery. It was a modest building, just like the previous building but with a different sign.

The inside though... it smelt so nice. It was warm and inviting and I felt refreshed just being there. Damon and I looked at the assortment of baked goods and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the brownies they had on display.

It had been so long since I had one.

"Can I get a few of these?" I asked the baker.

Said baker rushed to get them and Damon walked over. "Sweet tooth today?"

"It's been awhile since I had brownies, so I was craving some."

Damon nodded as I paid for the brownies. He didn't get anything personally. So we headed out, somewhat strolling.

We found ourselves parked on a bench, watching carriages and horses go by. People passing by with a quick curtesy or bow.

I took the chance to pull out the brownies. Damon leaned back, closing his eyes and I ate my brownie in peace.

I liked this. Being around each other without fear of getting outed. We were engaged, people knew that. And people did not wish to anger either of us.

"Did you want any of the brownies Damon?" I asked.

He hummed out, opening his eyes, smiling, "why don't you feed me a piece?"

He was teasing me. I knew that. But I broke off a small piece and moved it to him. He happily took the brownie without question.

"Quite sweet. Not my usual taste," he informed, smiling.

"I know. You usually like bitter sweets." A rather hilarious paradox. But sour was his usual preference.

"And you have quite the sweet tooth. So we balance each other out."

That was pretty true. We were complimentary, looking better with the other besides them.

"To think, in all the time we've known each other... we're finally going to get married," he said softly.

"It's really a dream," I admitted. "I never thought we'd be like this, and yet, you proposed."

He laughed, scoring closer, "that I did. And you accepted this princes proposal. Until death do us part."

"Considering me being reborn, don't think you'll escape me that easy."

He rolled his eyes and leaned over, pressing his lips to mine. "Wouldn't dream of it."

I was well aware people were staring. After all, I was never public ally affectionate with Liam. That and the crown prince had heart eyes visible from miles away. We'd lead the empire, and it was hard for some people to quite wrap their kind around.

And knowing your leader was a gay man meant he'd be in favor of putting protection laws in place. So for those who were against such laws... the turnover was a rather frustrating thing.

"What colors were you thinking for the wedding?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I honestly have no clue. My sister, cousin and friend helped me with the last wedding. And you guys of course."

"What about your tux's and everything?"

"I just picked whatever wouldn't drown us out. I'm totally clueless when it comes to overly romantic gestures."

Damon chuckled at that, "right. That vow you gave was adorable though."

"I'm good with words, just not much else outside of combat." Which was very true. I was dumb when it came to romance. As evident from my multiple depressions over it.

"Well, I think you're rather good at romance. But if you want, we can put the royal planners in charge. They'd be honored to work a wedding you were a part of."

"Bold assumption about the staff," I joked. "I don't think they love me that much."

He punched my cheek. "Believe it or not, the staff adores you. You always treat them kindly. Your own staff loves you to bits. Have more faith in people."

Ah. It was true that my staff liked me, I just didn't think that applied elsewhere. Especially since my staff was a special case.

My father took them in when they had nowhere to go. And my mother... when she was alive, she was the kindest lady around.

"Do you think our mothers would be happy?" I didn't mean to say that out loud.


That was a fair reaction, "sorry, just a thought that crossed my mind." Both our mothers got struck with pneumonia after giving birth. Damon's mother died after giving birth to him while mine died after giving birth to Rose.

So I had vague memories of here that my siblings didn't, but Damon wouldn't have been able to recall the late empress.

"I think they'd be happy for us," he said after some beats of silence. "The one time I met your mother, she was so kind to me. And I'm sure she'd support you like your father has. And my mother... I hope she'd be happy."


"I'd like to think they gave their blessings long ago," I said aloud.

"That would be nice. We should head back, shouldn't we? You do need to go home eventually."

"Ah." That I did. "Well, it won't be too long until this place is my home."

"I'm looking forward to the day you can call my home yours as well."

"I'll be counting that days your highness."

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